2007年11月22日 10:00 天下智慧教育集团教考研究中心
统计:蒋树业 (单词后数字为出现次数,共3132词) a 3788 abilities 5 ability 27 able 31 about 362 above 23 abroad 9 accept 13 acceptable 4 accepted 8 accepting 4 access 7 accident 3 accidents 4 accommodation 8 according 58 account 5 accurate 2 achieve 7 achieved 2 achievements 4 across 29 act 15 acting 2 action 7 actions 7 active 10 activities 26 activity 12 actors 3 acts 5 actually 24 adaptable 2 adapted 2 add 4 added 5 addition 5 address 17 addressed 3 adds 4 adelaide 2 adjustment 3 admiration 2 admire 3 admired 2 admission 2 admit 5 admitted 7 adults 11 advance 5 advanced 4 advantage 7 adventure 3 advertised 2 advertisement 6 advertisements 4 advertising 4 advice 18 advise 4 affairs 2 affect 2 affected 5 affects 2 afford 9 afforded 2 afraid 19 africa 8 african 17 after 111 afternoon 20 afterwards 3 again 36 against 14 age 37 aged 7 agency 3 ages 5 aging 8 ago 40 agree 11 agreed 8 agreement 2 agrees 2 ahead 10 aid 5 aim 3 aimed 2 aims 6 air 33 aircraft 2 airport 15 alan 2 album 2 alive 3 all 258 allow 8 allowed 9 allowing 4 allows 4 almost 23 alone 21 along 18 aloud 9 already 18 also 83 alternatives 2 although 15 always 35 am 55 amazed 3 amazing 7 america 3 american 28 americans 7 among 19 amount 6 amounts 2 amy 6 an 220 ancient 9 and 1486 anger 4 angry 5 animal 21 animals 52 announced 10 announcement 2 annual 3 another 41 answer 16 answered 7 answering 3 answers 5 anxiety 5 anxious 2 any 48 anybody 2 anymore 2 anyone 21 anything 29 anyway 6 apartment 6 apologize 3 appear 4 appearance 4 appeared 3 appears 3 apple 3 application 4 applications 4 applies 2 apply 2 approach 5 april 6 are 595 area 13 areas 8 argue 2 arguing 2 argument 3 arm 3 arms 4 around 61 aroused 2 arrival 4 arrive 5 arrived 9 arrives 3 arriving 2 art 30 article 8 artist 7 artistic 4 artists 12 arts 12 as 391 ashamed 4 asia 19 asian 6 ask 30 asked 32 asking 12 asks 5 asleep 3 aspects 2 assembled 2 association 2 at 391 ate 3 atlanta 5 atmosphere 5 attack 4 attempt 3 attempted 3 attend 6 attended 2 attending 2 attention 35 attitude 7 attract 8 attracted 9 attractive 7 attracts 2 august 4 australia 14 australian 3 author 28 author’s 2 automatically 2 available 12 average 9 avoid 4 awake 2 award 3 awards 4 aware 2 away 68 b 1844 babies 4 baby 4 back 77 bad 19 badly 4 bag 7 bake 2 ball 4 bamboo 3 ban 5 bank 10 banning 4 bar 8 barrier 2 barry 2 based 16 basic 33 basketball 11 bath 2 bathroom 12 battle 5 be 438 bear 5 beat 6 beaten 2 beating 4 beautiful 13 became 23 because 123 become 38 becomes 2 becoming 7 bed 8 bedroom 9 been 131 before 80 began 17 begin 4 beginning 7 begins 9 behavior 4 behavioral 3 behaviour 2 behind 12 beijing 10 being 55 beings 6 believe 33 believed 8 believes 7 below 11 ben 2 benefit 3 benefits 6 beside 2 besides 31 best 72 better 69 between 42 beyond 5 bicycle 18 big 67 bigger 4 biggest 12 bike 28 bikes 3 bill 21 billion 3 biology 2 bird 8 birds 23 birth 6 birthday 17 biscuits 4 bit 21 bites 5 biting 3 bitter 2 bitterly 3 black 12 blame 7 blamed 2 blank 3 blanks 4 blood 20 blow 2 board 4 boat 2 bob 3 bodies 3 body 11 book 52 booked 2 books 43 bookshop 5 born 11 borrow 2 boss 3 both 38 bottom 2 bought 12 box 6 boxes 2 boy 25 boys 13 brain 51 brains 6 branches 5 brave 4 bravely 4 bread 10 break 15 breaking 6 breath 5 breathe 3 brian 3 bridge 9 brief 4 bright 6 bring 25 bringing 5 brings 5 britain 4 british 18 broadband 2 broadcasts 2 broadly 4 broke 16 broken 6 brother 5 brothers 5 brought 12 bruce 2 budget 2 build 8 building 10 buildings 4 built 4 burning 3 burnt 6 bus 46 buses 13 business 38 businesses 4 busy 14 but 313 butter 3 butterfly 14 buy 31 buying 6 by 304 c 1806 ca 3 cabbage 2 cake 2 cakes 6 calculated 3 california 2 call 29 called 26 calling 5 calls 3 calm 2 calmly 2 cambridge 2 came 48 camp 13 camping 2 campus 4 can 437 can’t 4 canada 8 canadian 2 cancer 6 candles 3 cannot 14 capital 2 car 74 card 8 cards 4 care 24 career 7 careful 7 carefully 23 cares 4 caring 3 carried 7 carries 3 carry 7 cars 12 carter 20 case 21 cases 11 cash 3 cast 3 cat 4 catch 21 catching 3 cathy 3 caught 10 cause 10 caused 10 causes 9 cave 3 cds 3 celebrate 3 celebrated 3 cell 5 cells 13 cent 6 center 12 centers 5 central 3 cents 4 century 9 certain 12 certainly 16 chair 2 chairing 9 challenge 5 challenged 4 challenges 9 champion 2 chance 19 chances 2 change 31 changed 14 changes 23 changing 9 channel 3 character 3 charge 10 charged 3 charles 6 charters 2 chatting 7 cheap 6 cheaper 5 cheapest 3 check 9 cheer 3 cheered 4 cheese 2 chemistry 2 chicago 11 chicken 6 chicks 2 child 62 childhood 10 children 102 china 5 chinese 13 chip 4 chocolate 4 choice 13 choices 5 choose 21 choosing 8 chose 3 chosen 2 christie 12 christmas 16 church 4 cigarette 2 circles 2 cities 14 city 48 civilization 3 class 104 classes 29 classics 19 classmates 9 classroom 12 classrooms 2 clean 16 cleaning 10 clear 8 cleared 2 clearly 15 clever 2 climate 5 climb 2 climbed 4 climbing 3 clock 13 clocks 22 close 23 closed 7 closely 3 closer 5 closes 2 closest 5 closing 2 clothes 6 clothing 2 cloud 3 club 51 clubbing 2 clubs 5 coast 2 coffee 12 cognitive 2 cold 15 colleagues 2 collect 4 collected 4 collecting 8 collection 8 collector 2 collectors 2 college 27 colleges 3 color 7 colorful 3 colors 4 com 4 combination 3 come 120 comes 13 comfort 4 comfortable 2 coming 29 comment 2 committed 2 common 22 communicating 3 communication 16 companies 4 company 34 compare 5 compared 4 compete 4 competition 9 complaining 2 complete 10 completely 4 complicated 4 composition 3 computer 54 computers 12 concentration 2 concept 3 concern 2 concerned 2 concert 3 concerts 3 conclude 2 concluded 3 conclusion 2 condition 4 conditions 17 confidence 11 conflict 2 confused 4 confusing 3 congratulations 3 connect 2 connected 6 connection 4 connections 3 conscious 3 consider 5 considerations 2 considered 12 considers 4 consist 2 constant 3 contact 2 contemporary 2 content 4 contents 2 continue 10 continued 7 continues 4 control 7 controlled 4 convenient 4 conveniently 2 conversation 15 conversations 7 convinced 2 cook 7 cooked 2 cooking 6 cool 7 cooled 4 copy 3 corner 7 correct 4 correctly 2 cost 16 costs 2 could 121 count 2 countries 42 country 17 counts 2 couple 16 courage 6 course 33 courses 14 cousin 5 cover 4 covered 3 covering 2 crazy 8 cream 22 create 9 created 2 creating 5 creation 2 creative 3 creativity 5 creature 3 creatures 5 cried 2 crime 4 critical 3 cross 3 crowd 8 crowded 14 crowds 3 cruelty 2 cultural 3 culture 17 cultures 9 cup 3 cure 5 curiosity 4 curious 6 curiously 3 current 3 custom 2 customer 2 customers 25 customs 6 cut 20 cutting 4 特别说明:由于各方面情况的不断调整与变化,新浪网所提供的所有考试信息仅供参考,敬请考生以权威部门公布的正式信息为准。
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