2007年11月22日 10:00 天下智慧教育集团教考研究中心
r 2 race 12 racing 4 radio 12 railway 12 rain 28 rains 2 rainy 2 raise 8 raised 5 raising 4 ralph 6 ran 13 rang 2 range 3 rapid 2 rapidly 6 rarely 4 rate 9 rates 8 rather 18 re 63 reach 7 reached 11 reaction 3 read 81 reader 6 readers 19 reading 58 ready 19 real 21 reality 6 realize 10 realized 12 realizes 2 really 67 reason 25 reasonable 3 reasons 8 recall 2 recalls 2 receive 14 received 19 receiving 5 recent 4 recently 5 recognition 3 recognize 8 recognized 3 recognizing 6 recommend 3 recommendation 3 record 9 recorded 4 recording 2 records 4 recover 3 recovery 5 red 8 reduce 3 reduced 3 refer 3 referred 2 refers 3 refreshed 2 refused 6 regard 9 regarded 3 regards 5 regretful 3 regretted 3 regular 7 regularly 2 related 6 relation 3 relations 3 relationship 20 relationships 3 relatively 4 relatives 5 reliable 3 relief 3 rely 2 remain 7 remained 3 remaining 2 remains 5 remember 35 remembered 2 remind 6 reminded 4 remote 2 removed 5 rent 3 rental 4 repair 5 repetitive 4 replied 6 reply 9 report 11 reported 7 reporting 2 reports 3 republic 4 request 3 requested 3 require 2 required 10 requires 3 research 22 researcher 3 researchers 14 residents 11 resist 5 resistance 3 resources 2 respect 17 respected 2 response 3 responses 3 responsibility 5 responsible 2 rest 6 restaurant 33 restaurants 8 result 11 results 12 retired 5 return 14 returned 11 returning 2 revolution 2 reward 4 rewarding 3 rewards 3 rice 4 rich 4 richer 2 ride 6 riding 4 right 68 rights 4 ring 6 ringing 3 rings 5 rise 4 risen 2 risk 2 risks 2 rite 2 river 9 road 8 roadside 2 robert 6 rock 7 role 8 room 40 rooms 5 rooted 2 rose 8 round 7 route 2 rude 10 ruined 8 rule 6 ruler 3 rules 26 run 17 running 14 rural 7 rush 3 rushed 2 s 647 sacks 3 sad 5 sadness 2 safe 5 safely 3 safety 5 said 80 sales 15 sam 5 same 43 san 5 sand 3 sat 16 satisfactory 2 satisfied 9 saturday 6 save 10 saved 2 saving 16 savings 4 saw 19 say 67 saying 25 sayings 2 says 44 scared 5 scene 9 scenes 4 school 135 schooled 2 schools 17 science 16 sciences 5 scientific 2 scientist 3 scientists 23 scold 2 score 9 scores 4 sea 3 search 4 searched 2 seaside 2 season 17 seat 5 second 23 seconds 2 secret 3 secretary 23 secretly 4 section 5 see 85 seeing 8 seek 8 seem 15 seemed 7 seems 15 seen 16 seldom 6 self 19 sell 7 selling 9 send 27 sends 3 senior 8 sense 25 senses 8 sensitive 2 sent 13 sentence 11 sentences 6 separate 2 september 6 series 4 serious 15 seriously 5 serve 5 served 5 serves 3 service 11 services 2 serving 5 set 32 setting 8 settle 3 settled 4 seven 6 several 24 shall 6 shame 3 shape 5 shapes 2 share 22 shared 2 sharing 5 she 306 shelf 3 shines 2 ship 2 shirt 23 shock 2 shocked 2 shoes 20 shoot 2 shooting 5 shop 10 shopping 7 shops 7 shore 2 short 32 shortcuts 20 shorter 3 shortly 3 shot 2 should 93 shoulder 3 shouted 6 shouting 5 show 42 showed 12 showered 2 showers 2 showing 5 shown 12 shows 17 shut 8 shy 4 siberia 4 side 9 sight 5 sighted 2 sign 8 signed 2 signs 9 silence 6 silent 5 silly 3 silver 4 similar 14 simple 11 simply 8 since 41 sincerely 3 sing 24 singer 2 singing 20 single 10 sir 20 sister 5 sisters 3 sit 9 site 5 sitting 2 situation 13 situations 6 six 11 size 25 skill 3 skills 9 skin 6 sky 5 sleep 8 sleeping 8 sleepy 5 slept 3 slightly 2 slow 6 slowly 8 small 51 smaller 3 smart 9 smell 4 smells 4 smile 4 smiled 3 smiling 2 smith 15 smoke 7 smoking 5 smooth 3 smoothly 3 snowy 2 so 252 social 40 society 8 soft 2 sold 21 solve 4 some 172 somebody 2 someone 33 something 83 sometime 3 sometimes 16 somewhere 12 son 21 songs 6 soon 30 sooner 11 sorry 54 sort 15 soul 5 sound 15 sounds 24 soup 5 source 2 sources 3 south 22 southeast 22 southwest 3 space 25 spain 3 spanish 12 spare 5 speak 10 speaker 30 speakers 35 speaking 13 special 27 specially 3 species 10 specific 2 speech 42 speeches 5 speed 15 spend 31 spending 3 spends 2 spent 12 spirit 4 spite 3 spoke 3 spoken 7 sport 2 sports 29 spread 10 spreading 5 spring 5 square 7 stable 2 stages 3 stand 4 standards 4 stands 7 stanford 4 stared 2 stars 6 start 51 started 31 starting 3 starts 5 state 17 statement 2 statements 3 states 19 station 15 stations 3 stay 37 stayed 7 staying 4 steal 2 stealing 3 step 5 steps 14 stick 2 still 40 stimuli 6 stolen 3 stood 6 stop 28 stopped 6 stops 2 store 14 stories 15 story 19 straight 5 strange 16 stranger 10 strangers 17 strategy 2 street 9 streets 4 strength 8 strengthen 3 strengthened 2 stress 11 strict 2 strictly 2 strong 10 stronger 4 strongly 4 struggle 4 struggled 3 struggling 2 stuck 3 student 21 students 93 studied 9 studies 11 studio 2 study 57 studying 13 stutter 2 stuttering 2 style 7 subject 8 subjects 9 succeed 5 succeeded 2 success 15 successful 15 successfully 4 such 69 sudden 5 suddenly 6 suffer 2 suffering 6 sugar 2 suggest 12 suggested 10 suggesting 3 suggestion 5 suggestions 3 suggests 4 suitable 2 sum 2 summer 30 sun 6 sunday 5 sunlight 2 sunny 12 sunshine 3 supplies 4 support 15 supported 4 supporters 2 supportive 3 suppose 6 supposed 6 sure 29 surely 5 surface 6 surprise 7 surprised 11 surprising 2 surprisingly 6 surrounded 2 survey 9 survive 2 susan 28 sweet 3 swim 4 swimming 6 sydney 2 sympathy 2 system 7 systems 5 t 332 table 19 tables 3 tail 5 tails 5 take 85 taken 16 takes 8 taking 41 tale 6 talent 5 tales 2 talk 34 talked 3 talking 38 tall 2 tape 2 task 6 tasks 3 taste 6 tastes 4 taught 25 taxi 3 tea 24 teach 5 teacher 60 teachers 22 teaches 11 teaching 31 team 8 teams 3 tears 3 technical 5 technology 18 teenage 5 teenagers 9 teens 16 telephone 8 television 14 tell 89 telling 17 tells 2 temperature 6 temperatures 4 ten 60 tend 3 tended 3 tends 3 tennis 5 term 19 terms 3 terrible 8 terribly 3 terrific 2 test 34 tested 8 testing 10 tests 7 text 192 textbook 2 thailand 4 than 90 thank 36 thanking 3 thanks 16 that 664 that’s 3 the 4203 theatre 6 their 284 them 152 themes 4 themselves 15 then 91 there 193 therefore 17 these 86 they 417 thick 3 thief 3 thing 42 things 57 think 81 thinking 26 thinks 10 third 8 thirty 4 this 320 thomas 2 thorough 2 those 46 though 22 thought 41 thoughts 10 thousand 8 thousands 7 threat 2 threatened 3 three 57 threw 4 through 42 throughout 6 throw 4 throwing 2 thursday 22 thus 7 ticket 2 tickets 9 tidy 3 tiger 4 till 5 time 228 times 33 tiny 10 tired 3 tiring 4 title 17 to 2356 today 38 together 39 togethers 10 told 41 tom 32 tomorrow 32 tonight 17 tons 3 tony 3 too 86 took 38 tool 5 tools 2 top 15 topic 10 total 4 totally 2 touch 6 tough 2 tour 26 tourists 3 tours 6 toward 6 towards 6 tower 2 town 10 towns 2 track 2 tracy 19 trade 2 traditional 6 traffic 3 train 43 trained 6 training 15 translate 4 transport 10 transportation 2 trapped 3 travel 17 traveled 4 traveling 11 travels 2 treat 10 treated 6 treating 2 treatment 7 tree 9 trees 24 trevor 4 trial 2 tried 17 tries 4 trip 15 tropical 3 trouble 11 troubles 2 truly 5 trust 2 truth 3 try 18 trying 17 tuesday 13 turn 21 turned 21 turning 3 turns 3 tv 26 twelve 2 twenties 2 twenty 5 twice 4 two 103 tyler 13 type 14 types 7
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