
2014年05月15日14:52  学大教育     收藏本文     

  B. Humorous and aggressive。

  C. Well-known and funny-looking。




  21. President Xi addressed on 50 years China—France ties to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the ____ of diplomatic relations between China and France。

  A. assignment  B. distribution  C. establishment D. acquaintance

  22. Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hong Lei said that China expect to see the vari¬ous parties in Afghanistan work together to handle ____ through dialogue and achieve peace in the near future。

  A. disputes  B. prejudice  C. determination  D. acquisition

  23. A major search has been_____ for  a Malaysian Airlines jet with 239 people on board after it lost contact flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing。

  A. identified  B. launched  C. substituted  D. dissolved

  24. Instead of praising your kids for their intelligence, you should____ your praise on the effort they put into succeeding at task, expert say。

  A. allocate  B. concentrate  C. circulate  D. accumulate

  25. His first baby was born soon after he got married, which seemed to have _____ his sense of responsibility。

  A. brought down  B. brought out  C. brought about  D. brought in

  26. Hundreds of Swedish workers are trialing a six—hour working day in the hopes that it will_____ sick leave and save the country money。

  A. cut down B. turn down C. pull down D. cast down

  27. Tibet is facing a(n)____task to maintain  stability and all government workers must be on their highest guard。

  A. concerned B. subtle C. ridiculous D. urgent

  28. China Daily was first released in 1981 and its European Weekly started in 2010, which is____ in nearly 30 countries in Europe and prints around 100000 copies。

  A. relevant      B. contemporary     C. controversial      D. available

  29. This is only a solution that can be adopted to solve the problem____ , so you have to find a better way。

  A. individually       B. definitely         C. temporarily          D. continually

  30. Thanks to a South Korean drama currently on air, Man From the Stars, this new mix-match junk food trend has become popular among young audiences, _____its un-healthy nature。

  A. in favor of       B. in terms of     C. in case of          D. in spite of



  A few years ago, my younger brother and I went to Norfolk, Virginian by plane.  31 , before we took off, we heard the pilot's voice throughout the plane, “sorry, ladies and gentlemen. We have no  32  on the plane. We have a generator(发电机), and we are going to  33  the engines with it. We will  34  in the air and head to Norfolk, and see what happens. ”

  See what happens? We are going to get up in the air, and see what happens? At this point, one woman started crying. “Oh, no! We are going to  35 !” There were sighs of desperation and  36 spreading throughout the plane, and we hadn't even  37  yet. Thirty minutes passed and we were still  38  there. Then the voice of the pilot came over again,“ Ladies and gentlemen, I know you are  39  , so we are. We only have one engine going right now, and it is working double time. ”

  There was crying  40  we had walked in to grave(坟墓). But, the pilot told us our one engine was working double time, and his  41  was to get up in the air and see what happens! Then we did. We got up in the air and 42   happened. We arrived in Norfolk and everyone  43  for still being alive。

  Although I do sincerely like to have a plan  44  “see what happens”, which really isn’t such a bad life strategy, all too often, I would see people pursuing their goals  45  with inaction just because they don’t have  46   success. Actually, success will never be guaranteed. The  47  thing that you can do is just get up in the air, and see what hap¬pens。

  If you are planning to learn a new skill, get up in the air, and see what happens! It might not be as 48  as you thought. You might be smarter than you thought. It could be  49  ! So don’t stay there trying nothing just because there is no  50  of guaran¬teed success。

  31. A. Hopefully   B. Excitedly  C. Unfortunately  D. Thankfully

  32. A. service   B. power  C. water  D. fuel

  33. A. shut   B. fix  C. change D. start

  34. A. get up   B. pack up  C. light up   D. speed up

  35. A. wait   B. delay  C. crash  D. suffer

  36. A. rumor B. anxiety C. disease D. smoke

  37. A. looked over B. gone out C. got across D. taken off

  38. A. sitting   B. checking  C. watching  D. boarding

  39. A. puzzled B. patient C. desperate D. embarrassed

  40. A. even if   B. as if  C. what if  D. only if

  41. A. comment B. complaint C. promise D. plan

  42. A. everything   B. something  C. nothing D. anything

  43. A. escaped   B. cheered C. sighed D. praised

  44. A. less than   B. other than  C. better than D. more than

  45. A. frozen B. annoyed C. concerned D. satisfied

  46. A. realistic  B. organized  C. potential  D. guaranteed

  47. A. same  B. common  C. best D. last

  48. A. interesting  B. challenging  C. surprising D. encouraging

  49. A. fun B. pain C. sorrow D. trouble


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