
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年05月27日 17:11   清华在线

  PartII Writing(30 minutes,15 points)

  Directions:In thispart,you are to write within 30 minutes a composition of no less than 150 words on Self-confidence Is a Key to Success.You could follow the clues suggested by the picture given below. Remember to write the composition clearly on the ANSWER SHEET.

  Enrolled in Harvard as a genius, quit from Harvard at the third year as a crazy man, became a billionaire in his first thirty… Bill Gates showed such an example of how to make success by self-confidence. As far as I concerned, self-confidence is truly the fundamental element of being successful for giving people the courage to face difficulties, and for making people to be self-made person which is a necessary feature of shrewd business man.

  Giving people the courage to face difficulties is a very significant factor because it happens that we do have problems in doing something, maybe big problems and we are feared to keep going, we want to quit. However, I just want to say that’s why we need confidence, and why we are divided to different part, successful and unsuccessful.

  Equally important is self-confidence could make people to be self-made person. Whenever facing difficulties, self-made person could always find a way out, they could always solve problems independently, and they could always encourage their teammates and bring them energy.

  Eventually, I would like to use a sentence in the movie Shawshenk Redemption to end my statement “you know some birds are not meant to caged, their feathers are too bright.” and I really believe it can be a conclusion of my point – Self-confident is a key to success.

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