

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年09月22日 15:41   文都教育

  19.【解析】[D] 语义衔接题。空格处填入的形容词,修饰jurors,根据上下文可知,这里表示的含义是“一些州(在选举陪审团成员时),……陪审团成员由法官询问”。四个备选单词的共同词根是spect表示“看”,四个前缀分别是:in表示“往里面”,ir表示“否定,与……相反”,per表示“每一”,pro表示“向前”。inspective意为“检查的,视察的;留神的”;irrespective意为“不考虑的,不顾的”;perspective意为“透视,远景,观点”;prospective意为“未来的,预期的”。显然[D]项符合文意。

  20.【解析】[B] 语义衔接题。空格所在部分表达的含义是:在另一些州,陪审团成员遵照州法律规定的法规接受代表……的律师的询问。四个选项都可以指人的群体。body指“团体,社团,群体”;party指“(条约、会议、诉讼等)当事人,参与者,一方”,符合文意;side指“辩论或商务安排中的一方”;unit指“班组,小队”,如army/police units(陆军/警察分队)。







  The Treasury could pocket 20 million a year in extra fines once the country’s speed camera network is expanded. Motoring organizations warned that the  1  could become a poll tax on wheels,  2  huge number of drivers. There could be many more incidents of vandalism  3 cameras.The warnings came  4  a Daily Mail survey found almost all the 23 police forces in England and Wales were either  5  to expansion plans or considering  6  。

  Nationwide, the number of speeding tickets is expected to treble,  7  90 million a year.  8 the scheme, police keep some of the cash from fines to  9  the costs of fitting and maintaining extra cameras and  10  that existing ones always have film in them. The rest will go to the Treasury. Both Ministers and police insist the scheme is aimed  11  at making roads safer. They point to trials in eight areas which cut collisions by a quarter and deaths and serious injuries by  12  a half。

  But motoring organizations fear cameras will be sited on relatively safe  13  fast stretches to catch as many drivers as possible. Some forces are also expected to  14  the “threshold” speeds at which cameras are  15  to the absolute legal minimum-15 mph in a 10 mph limit, and 26 mph in a 20 mph zone. This could encourage drivers to stare at their speedometers instead of concentrating on the road, and  16  to more accidents. Sue Nicholson, head of campaigns at the RAC, said, “We don’t have a problem with speed cameras  17  . But we do have concerns about 18  they are sited. Police risk losing credibility  19  motorists if cameras are seen as revenueraising  20  safety devices。”

  1. [A] promotions[B] punishments[C] penalties[D] payments

  2. [A] isolating[B] separating[C] alienating[D] detaching

  3. [A] towards[B] against[C] before[D] over

  4. [A] so[B] once[C] as[D] where

  5. [A] subjected[B] engaged[C] intended[D] committed

  6. [A] taking part[B] keeping silence[C] making exception[D] paying respect

  7. [A] financing[B] profiting[C] funding[D] netting

  8. [A] From[B] Under[C] On[D] With

  9. [A] hide[B] cover[C] conceal[D] veil

  10. [A] pledging[B] assuring[C] confirming[D] ensuring

  11. [A] essentially[B] strongly[C] wholeheartedly[D] purely

  12. [A] in all[B] fewer than[C] at most[D] up to

  13. [A] but[B] whereas[C] though[D] while

  14. [A] fit[B] put[C] set[D] fix

  15. [A] levered[B] geared[C] handled[D] triggered

  16. [A] lead[B] add[C] contribute[D] resort

  17. [A] any less[B] by itself[C] after all[D] as such

  18. [A] who[B] when[C] where[D] which

  19. [A] in[B] with[C] against[D] for

  20. [A] in spite of[B] far from[C] rather than[D] by means of






  1.【解析】[C] 语义衔接题。文章首句的大意是:一旦扩大车速监控摄像体系,财政部每年就能增加2000万收入,这笔收入就是超速驾车者交纳的罚金(fines)。第二句紧接着提到:机动车组织警告说这种…… 可能变成对汽车征收的人头税。很明显,空格处填入的名词和上下文的fines和poll tax呼应,应表示“罚金、罚款”的含义。promotion意为“促进,发扬,提升”;应首先排除。punishment泛指各种处罚或惩罚,诸如法律、父母、老师以及神的惩罚等。penalty有一个主要义项表示“因违反法律、规则或合同而施加的惩罚(监禁、罚款等)”。payment作可数名词时意为“款项,款额”。因此penalty最符合文意。

  2.【解析】[C] 语义衔接题。由于四个选项都是现在分词形式,因此可知第二句的后半句是一个状语结构,进一步揭示“罚款成为对汽车征收的人头税”(that the penalties could become a poll tax on wheels)给“众多驾车人员”(huge number of drivers)造成的影响。isolate sb./sth. (from sb./sth。)意为“使……与他人/他物完全隔离,孤立……”;separate sth. / sb. from…表示“把某物/某人从……当中分离出来”;alienate意为“使……疏远……,使……变得冷淡(不再爱或信任)”;detach sth. from sth.,“将某物拆下,分开某物”。只有alienate符合上下文,表示“(罚款的增多)使驾驶员不满从而疏远”。

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