

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年10月12日 16:51   文都教育

  文科大学university of liberal arts

  理工科大学college/university of science and engineering

  师范大学normal university

  工业大学polytechnic university

  农业大学agricultural university

  医科大学medical university

  重点学校key school

  业余学校spare-time school

  职业学校vocational school

  重点学科key disciplinary areas; priority fields of study

  希望工程Project Hope


  人才枯竭exhaustion of human resources

  辍/失学青少年school dropout/leaver

  服务性行业service trade

  在职培训on-the-job/in-service training

  学分制the credit system

  包分配guarantee job assignments


  记者招待会press conference

  国家教育经费national expenditure education

  财政拨款financial allocation

  专任教师full-time teacher

  教育方针guideline(s)/guiding principle(s)for education

  德才兼备to combine ability with character

  自学成才to become educated through independent study

  启发式elicitation method(of teaching)

  填鸭式教学法cramming method of teaching

  附中attached middle school

  进修班class for advanced studies


  自学考试selftaught examination

  教职员teaching and administrative staff

  教学人员the faculty; teaching staff

  中、小学校长headmaster/headmistress; principal

  大专院校校长president; chancellor



  副教授associate professor

  专职教师fulltime teacher

  兼职教师parttime teacher

  辅导员assistant for political and ideological work

  校友alumnus; alumna

  学生会students’ union/association

  高年级学生pupil/student in senior grades

  低年级学生lower grade pupil/student;pupil/student in junior grades

  走读生day student;nonresident student


  旁听生auditor; guest student

  研究生graduate student;post-graduate(student)

  应届毕业生graduating student/pupil; this year’s graduates

  课程course; curriculum

  必修课required/compulsory course

  选修课elective/optional course

  基础课basic course

  专业课 specialized course

  课程表 school timetable

  教学大纲teaching program;syllabus

  教学内容content of courses

  学习年限period of schooling

  学历record of formal schooling

  学年school/academic year

  学期(school)term; semester


  分数mark; grade

  五分制the 5-grade marking system

  百分制100-mark system

  学习成绩academic record; school record

  成绩单school report; report card;transcript

  毕业论文thesis; dissertation

  毕业实习graduation field work

  毕业设计graduation project

  毕业典礼graduation ceremony; commencement

  毕业证书diploma; graduation certificate

  毕业鉴定graduation appraisal

  授予某人学位to confer a degree on somebody

  升级to be promoted to a higher grade

  留级to repeat the year’s work; to stay down

  补考make-up examination

  升学to go to a school of a higher grade;to enter a higher school

  升学率proportion of students entering schools of a higher grade



  领取助学金的学生a grant-aided student

  伙食费board expenses

  伙食补助food allowance

  爱国主义教育education in patriotism

  国际主义教育education in internationalism

  集体主义教育education in collectivism

  共产主义教育education in communism

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