

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年11月12日 18:35   新东方




  1. 不要连续使用几个简单句,要学会使用复杂句

  原句:A young boy is illustrated in the picture. He is running to the finishing line。

  修改后:Illustrated in the picture, a young boy is running to the finishing line. (2006年大作文)(非谓语形式作为开端,增加了句子结构的复杂性)

  2. 要学会用被动语态

  原句:Recently we have paid much more attention than ever before to the topic of …

  修改后:Recently much more attention than ever before has been paid to the topic of … (考研经典句式)

  3. 学会用无灵主语的句式

  原句:More and more people are aware that internet has brought us not just benefits but also harmful effect。

  修改后:There is a growing awareness that internet has brought us not just benefits but also harmful effect. (2009年大作文)

  4. 要学会用名词结构来表达意思

  原句:If children indulge in internet surfing, their other abilities will be seriously affected。

  修改后:Heavy exposure to the internet surfing will exert an negative effect on children’s other abilities. (2009年大作文)

  5. 要学会用否定句来表达肯定的意思。即双重否定=肯定

  原句: Confidence is the most basic issue to individual and national development。

  修改后:No issue is as basic to individual and national development as confidence. (2007年大作文)

  6. 要改变词汇单一表达

  如要表示“使”不要仅靠make;可以换成enable/allow/permit等; 如要表达“越来越”,不要只使用more and more:

  原句:More and more people find cooperating with others has become more and more difficult。

  修改后:People in growing numbers find cooperating has become increasingly difficult。


  原句:Most young people have one or two idols。

  修改后:The vast majority of young people have one or two idols. (2006年大作文)

  如要用“不仅……而且……”不要只用not only...but also:

  原句:The factors for a rise in teenage’s idol worship is not only social but also psychological。

  修改后:The factors for a rise in teenage’s idol worship is psychological as well as social. (2006年大作文)

  即使使用了not only… but also,也要尽量用一些高级的句型来弥补替换,比如倒装。

  原句:Love is not only one of the noblest worthy feeling of mankind, but also a valuable virtue。

  修改后:Not only is love one of the noblest worthy feeling of mankind, but also a valuable virtue。(2001年大作文)


  总体讲,考研写作是一个实践性的工作,重在多写多用,正如不在水中练,是永远学不会游泳一样。一定写作理论固然重要,但只有勤动笔写,掌握基本套路,才能真正学会写作。新东方考研英语写作名师 王帆

    更多信息请访问:新浪考研频道 考研论坛 考研博客圈



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