
考研英语冲刺:五招搞定完形填空7选5题 (3)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年01月05日 11:47   文都教育

  [B] Or they could read Mr. Kirby’s report: “The substantial buying power of such an agency would strengthen the public prescriptiondrug insurance plans to negotiate the lowest possible purchase prices from drug companies。”

  [C] What does “national” mean? Roy Romanow and Senator Michael Kirby recommended a federal-provincial body much like the recently created National Health Council。

  [D] The problem is simple and stark health-care costs have been, are, and will continue to increase faster than government revenues。

  [E] According to the Canadian Institute for Health Information, prescription drug costs have risen since 1997 at twice the rate of overall health-care spending. Part of the increase comes from drugs being used to replace other kinds of treatments. Part of it arises from new drugs costing more than older kinds. Part of it is higher prices。

  [F] So, if the provinces want to run the health-care show, they should prove they can run it, starting with an interprovincial health list that would end duplication, save administrative costs, prevent one province from being played off against another, and bargain for better drug prices。

  [G] Of course, the pharmaceutical companies will scream. They like divided buyers, they can lobby better that way. They can use the threat of removing jobs from one province to another. They can hope that, if one province includes a drug on its list, the pressure will cause others to include it on theirs. They wouldn’t like a national agency, but self-interest would lead them to deal with it。

  【解析】[C]试题前的一段提到了要成立全国性的机构(create a national institution),并讲到了它的特点。空白后的一段以But 开头,解释national 的含义:“National” could mean interprovincial—provinces combining efforts to create one body(“全国性”也可以说是省际间的,也就是说,各省可以共同努力成立一个机构),试题的前后都出现了关于national的信息,由此可以判断,要填入的句子中一定会复现关于national的内容,比较选项可以发现选项[A]和选项[C]中出现了关于national的复现信息,但选项[A]讲的是Quebec’s resistance to a national agency(Quebec对国家医疗机构的抵制),作者对national的定义还没有交代清楚之前,不可能出现选项[A]中的信息,因此选项[C]是正确答案。


  In March 1998, a friend of Williams’s got him involuntarily confined to a treatment center for addictions, and wrote to inform the casino of Williams’s gambling problems. The casino included a photo of Williams among those of banned gamblers, and wrote to him a “cease admissions” letter. Noting the “medical/psychological” nature of problem gambling behaviors, the letter said that before being readmitted to the casino he would have to present medical/psychological information demonstrating that patronizing the casino would pose no threat to his safety or well-being。


  The Wall Street Journal reports that the casino has 24 signs warning: “Enjoy the fun … and always bet with your head, not over it”. Every entrance ticket lists a toll-free number for counseling from the Indiana Department of Mental Health. Nevertheless, Williams’s suit charges that the casino, knowing he was “helplessly addicted to gambling”, intentionally worked to “lure” him to “engage in conduct against his will。” Well。

  [A] Although no such evidence was presented, the casino’s marketing department continued to pepper him with mailings. And he entered the casino and used his Fun Card without being detected。

  [B] It is unclear what luring was required, given his compulsive behavior. And in what sense was his will operative?

  [C] By the time he had lost $5,000 he said to himself that if he could get back to even, he would quit. One night he won $5,500, but he did not quit。

  [D] Gambling has been a common feature of American life forever, but for a long time it was broadly considered a sin, or a social disease. Now it is a social policy: the most important and aggressive promoter of gambling in America is government。

  [E] David Williams’s suit should trouble this gambling nation. But don’t bet on it。

  [F] It is worrisome that society is medicalizing more and more behavioral problems, often defining as addictions what earlier, sterner generations explained as weakness of will。

  [G] The anonymous, lonely, undistracted nature of online gambling is especially conductive to compulsive behavior. But even if the government knew how to move against Internet gambling, what would be its grounds for doing so?

  【解析】[A] 空格前面一句the letter said that before being readmitted to the casino he would have to present medical/psychological information demonstrating that patronizing the casino would pose no threat to his safety or wellbeing的主语是letter,letter后面的宾语从句讲的是letter的内容:David Williams在进入赌场之前要提交能证明不会对他的人身安全和财务造成威胁的信息。紧接着这句话的句子所表达的信息应当还要提及关于信件(letter)及其内容的信息,因此要填入的选项要表达这一方面的内容,才能在语义上和上文连贯。比较选项可以发现,选项[A]中出现了letter的同义词mail,同时从内容上分析,选项[A]中的Although no such evidence was presented和上文中的he would have to present medical/psychological…语义上衔接紧密,语义连贯。因此选项[A]是正确答案。




  42 . Nearly all of the fossils that we know were preserved in rocks formed by water action, and most of these are of animals that lived in or near water. Thus it follows that there must be many kinds of mammals, birds, and insects of which we know noting。

  [A] The shellfish have a long history in the rock and many different kinds are known。

  [B] Nevertheless, we know a great deal about many of them because their bones and shells have been preserved in the rocks as fossils, From them we can tell their size and shape, how they walked, the kind of food they ate。

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