世界上片酬最高的猴子明星:每集一万二   2012年08月09日 15:51   沪江英语
世界上片酬最高的猴子明星:Crystal the Monkey世界上片酬最高的猴子明星:Crystal the Monkey

  She is only 20-years-old, yet has already appeared in more than 20 movies, counts Justin Bieber as one of her biggest fans and has just been named one of the highest paid actors on TV - pretty impressive for a monkey.


  Crystal, a female capuchin monkey and animal actress, is the star of upcoming comedy Animal Practice - an NBC sitcom about the self-absorbed veterinary chief-of-medicine at a dysfunctional big-city animal hospital.


  She has just been listed in TV Guide Magazine's annual highest paid stars list, commandeering $12,000 per episode. If the show goes full season then she will have earned $264,000 in total.

  Crystal被美国的TV Guide杂志列为年收入最高的明星之一,每集电视剧的片酬高达一万两千美元。如果电视剧拍满全集的话,Crystal将会赚得二十六万四千美元。

  《动物诊所》(Animal Practice)预告片:

《动物诊所》(Animal Practice)预告片《动物诊所》(Animal Practice)预告片

  Not that she needs the money. Crystal last appeared in the Matt Damon Christmas movie We Bought A Zoo and was one of Hangover II's biggest stars, playing a drug-dealing, smoking monkey.


  She also starred as the irritating Dexter in the 2006 film Night at the Museum and the 2009 sequel Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian.


  Ben Stiller joked after appearing alongside her: 'I really dislike the monkey. There's no way to feel great about having a monkey slap your face on any level.'


  Fellow Hangover star Ken Jeong, said of her: 'She's amazing. She's not a monkey, she's an actor. And quite possibly the best actor I've worked with.'Even Bradley Cooper said she deserved an Oscar for her role - because she played a man。


  Crystal lives with her handler and trainer Tom Gunderson and his family. She first rose to fame in the 1997 film George of the Jungle。

  Crystal和她的训练师Tom Gunderson及他的家人住在一起。1997年因为电影《森林泰山》而一炮而红。

  When she appeared on the red carpet for the premier of Hangover II, she turned monkey business into showbusiness and upstaged costars Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, Zach Galifianakis and Justin Bartha by wearing a pink dress and string of pearls。


  When Justin Bieber met her he demanded a kiss from her and said he was her biggest fan。


  Though Crystal's $12,000-per-episode is lagging well behind Ashton Kutcher's $700,000 for Two And A Half Men, she still manages to make the top five, a massive achievement for someone so young and of course a member of the animal kingdom。



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