
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年08月20日 10:41   沪江英语
“钢铁侠”也会伤不起小罗伯特-唐尼《钢铁侠3》片场受伤 “钢铁侠”也会伤不起小罗伯特-唐尼《钢铁侠3》片场受伤

  Iron Man might be invincible but actor Robert Downey Jr. is far from it. The 47-year-old actor injured his ankle while filming Iron Man 3 on Wednesday.

  "Robert Downey Jr. sustained an ankle injury on the set of Iron Man 3 in Wilmington, North Carolina while performing a stunt. There will be a short delay in the production schedule while he recuperates," Marvel Studios said in a statement.

  The third installment of the superhero franchise is currently scheduled for a May 3, 2013 release and stars Ben Kingsley, Gwyneth Paltrow, Don Cheadle, Guy Pearce and Rebecca Hall.




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