
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年09月03日 14:13   沪江英语

  As a lead character on the hit series The Vampire Diaries, it’s no surprise she is a fan of a spooky twist.

  And Nina Dobrev showed that she loves all things festive for Halloween today as she got an early start on the celebrations.

  The 23-year-old star was pictured at what is often described as the Happiest Place on Earth - Disney World - in Lake Buena Vista, Florida.

  Dobrev, was joined by her The CW Network co-stars Kayla Ewell and Candice Accola but showed she is clearly the biggest enthusiast as she wore the brand’s merchandise in the form of a grey T-shirt.

  Season four of their popular show premieres October 11, and the ladies were squeezing in some time for pure fun before a busy promotion schedule starts.

  The theme park wasn’t their only outing for the day. They made the most of being in the area by stopping by at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando afterwards.

  Dobrev tweeted her industry friend Emma Watson – who plays Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter movies – to tell her about her plans.

  She wrote on the micro-blogging website: ‘@EmWatson cant wait to see you @ TIFF next wknd for the PERKS premiere! In the meantime,Im going to Harry Potter World,ill be thinkin of ya!’

  The star was referencing her latest flick, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, set for U.S. release later this month.

  The Bulgarian beauty plays Candace in the Stephen Chbosky-directed romantic drama.



  当天,主演妮娜-杜波夫与Caroline的扮演者Candice Accola、Vicki的扮演者Kayla Ewell一同来到位于奥兰多市的迪斯尼乐园,穿着灰色米奇T恤的妮娜显然是当中最兴致盎然的一个。逛完迪斯尼乐园之后,三个丫头又跑到奥兰多市的哈利波特巫师世界逛了一圈。



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