十一岁“水果姐”长啥样明星自曝陈年旧照Taylor Swift
"Reflecting back on past matching velvet holiday ensembles," the singer wrote about her matchy-matchy Christmas look with her mom。 泰勒-斯威夫特晒出了她与妈妈在圣诞节拍摄的照片,一头金发的小泰勒,穿着天鹅绒的小裙子煞是可爱。 P!nk
"Throwback Thursdays y'all! Circa 99' My Philly boys," Pink wrote about this photo from way back – when the singer had fuchsia hair and sang R&B-pop songs like "Hell Wit Ya" and "You Make Me Sick." 当时的P!nk还是一头紫红色头发,唱着《困境中有你》和《你让我恶心》之类的R&B歌曲。 MILEY CYRUS
"Awkward family photos," the singer joked about this old photo of the Cyrus clan, adding, "Look @billyraycyrus always giving face!" 如今的美国流行音乐小天后麦莉-赛勒斯,自曝了一张“奇怪”的家庭合影,你能猜出哪一个是麦莉吗? JUSTIN & DEMI
After Bieber Tweeted that he couldn't wait to meet her, Demi Lovato took the forgetful Biebs to task, posting this old photo. "Uh, excuse me biebz... we already have met!," she wrote, adding, "Don't think I forgot!! :P" Check out Bieber's vintage swoopy do! 黛米-洛瓦托是迪士尼公司重点培养的三位少女明星之一,是迪士尼的大爱,被媒体誉为“麦莉-塞勒斯的接班人”。她与贾斯汀-比伯是很好的朋友。照片中的B宝还留着迷你冬菇头。 DEMI MOORE
"Me with my first monkey!" Tweeted the actress, posting this adorable shot of a young Moore, cuddling with her stuffed pal。 黛米-摩尔是最为人们喜欢的好莱坞明星之一,她曾经是好莱坞片酬最高的女星。因《人鬼情未了》而走红,这成为她演技的重大突破, 使她从二、三流的演员一跃成为一颗影坛巨星。照片中黛米-摩尔自曝了小时候的她与毛绒猴子玩具的合影。 ADAM LAMBERT
On his birthday (January 29), the American Idol runner-up posted the first photo ever taken of the rocker. "This is me!" Lambert wrote。 猜猜这个皱巴巴的小婴儿是谁?公布答案:他就是如今大名鼎鼎的美偶冠军亚当-兰伯特,眉头紧皱的小亚当在思考什么呢? NASTIA LIUKIN
"Lookin thru old pictures and found this one," Tweeted the Olympic gold medalist. "Three yrs old & already doing gymnastics!" 猜猜这位正在练体操的小妮子是谁?不知道关注今年伦敦奥运体操比赛的观众有没有发现,美国女子体操队少了一位金发碧眼的美女名将——柳金。在美国女子奥运体操选拔赛上,柳金在最拿手的项目上失手,挥泪告别奥运会,也告别了她的体育生涯。柳金父母都是前苏联的体操名将,后来在柳金一岁时移居美国,受到家庭影响,小柳金从三岁时就已经开始了体操生涯。 KATY PERRY
"Where are you Katy Hudson? This was my first 8X10 probably around 11 years old," Tweeted" Perry about this shot of the singer as a wide-eyed – and blonde! – singer. "Ahh memory lane." 猜猜这个大眼妹子是谁?答案揭晓:她就是如今叱咤乐坛的“水果姐”凯蒂-佩里。11岁的凯蒂有着一头金发和标志性的大眼睛! PARIS HILTON
The sisterly bonding started early! The heiress uploaded this cute shot of a young Paris holding an even-younger "baby Nicky"。 希尔顿酒店继承人、时尚名媛帕里斯-希尔顿抱着萌态十足的妹妹尼基-希尔顿,真是姐妹情深呐!