
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年09月13日 11:40   沪江英语

  “We can confirm that Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer recently welcomed their twins into the world,” reps for the actors tell PEOPLE exclusively.

  “我们可以跟大家确认Anna Paquin 和Stephen Moyer最近喜获双胞胎这个消息。”两位演员的发言人向《人物》杂志独家回应。

  “The babies were born a few weeks early, but are in good health and both Mom and Dad are overjoyed.”


  These are the first children together for Paquin, 30, and Moyer, 42, who were married in August 2010.


  Moyer has two children — daughter Lilac, 10, and son Billy, 12 — from previous relationships.



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