15岁少女一天吃8顿饭10斤米 专家疑其代谢失调

2012年11月06日18:15  重庆商报 微博   
15岁少女一天吃8顿饭10斤米 专家疑其代谢失调15岁少女一天吃8顿饭10斤米 专家疑其代谢失调

  Xiang Shiyu, a 15-year-old girl living in Yunyang County, Chongqing, suffers from a rare eating disorder that forces her to eat at least eight meals per day, and medical treatments are imposing an unbearable economic burden on her poor family, the Chongqing Economic Times reported.

  With an insatiable appetite, Xiang Shiyu is able to consume 10 kg rice along with countless snacks every day, according to her aunt Zou Bangxiang who has taken care of the girl for many years.

  "From the time she gets up in the morning to bedtime at night, she has to eat meals every two hours. In addition, she has to feed herself snacks between meals to relieve her hunger," Zou said. The amount of food that the girl eats is enough for 10 adults, she added.

  When Shiyu was a newborn baby, she was abandoned by her biological parents. She was found and raised by Xiang Mingtang, a farmer who never married.

  Xiang said that his adopted daughter's eating disorder appeared at age five, and developed to an alarming level this October. His daughter was forced to quit school two years ago for treatment. The girl, now 1.5 m tall and weighing 36 kg, spends each day eating and sleeping. "She starts to eat right after waking up and then goes back to sleep again. She can't be woken up," Xiang said.

  Xiang has repeatedly taken his daughter to the doctor, but the cause of the disease has so far eluded diagnosis. Medical treatment costs have plunged the poor family into heavy debt. Xiang said that under current circumstances, he feels helpless and finds it very difficult to sustain his family in spite of receiving government aid.

  Zeng Qingguo, a local doctor who has been treating Shiyu, said it appears that her stomach does not work properly. "The food that Xiang Shiyu eats can last ten minutes at most, and then is flushed out through her bowels," he said. Due to limited means of his and other local hospitals, they have failed to diagnose the disease, he added.

  What's worse, the girl's family cannot afford continued treatment. The only way that she can combat the disease is through repeated medicine transfusions. But the alleviation only lasts for a couple of days, Zeng said. "When the pain becomes unbearable, she comes to me for simple treatment by transfusion," he said.

  Fortunately, Yunyang's Bureau of Health has heard of Shiyu's condition. Xu Feng, director of the bureau, suspects that the girl is suffering from metabolic disorder after a preliminary diagnosis. "Our bureau will organize medical experts to treat her. Hopefully we can cure her," Xu said.

  一天要吃8顿饭,总共要吃10斤米,这不是传说,是云阳县一名15岁少女向世余的正常生活。她这么大的胃口,不仅吓坏了同学和老师,就连其养父也叫 苦不迭:负担不起了,完全养不起了。向世余的胃口为什么这么大?虽然养父带她看了医生,但一直没查出她患了什么病。不过,云阳县卫生局局长徐锋昨日表示,初步判定向世余为“代谢失调”,并表示将组织医疗专家给她会诊。











  10斤大米,至少可供普通人吃上半个月,但是向世余却只够吃一天。到底是什么原因造成了向世余的大胃口?最初,家人带她到云阳县上坝乡卫生院求医。 从向世余患病开始,医生曾庆国就一直负责给她诊治。昨日下午,曾庆国在电话里告诉记者,“向世余把饭菜吃进去后,最多就管10分钟,然后就经肠道排泄出去 了”,她的病表现主要是胃不工作,在他看来这是胃胀胃酸的一种情况,但因乡卫生院医疗条件有限,他也查不出究竟是何种原因所致。

  因查不出明确病因,这些年,曾庆国对向世余的病也束手无策,卫生院和本地其他一些医院也只是通过输液的方式帮她进行治疗。曾庆国表示,向世余根本就 吃不进去任何药物,输点液会好上一两天。但苦于家庭贫困,向世余一直没能坚持彻底治疗。“她实在撑不了的时候就来找我,然后简简单单地输液处理一下”,曾 庆国说,家人带向世余到过附近的多家医院,都没能查出病因。


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