Jay Z同碧昂斯为女儿打造天价幼儿园(组图)

2013年02月17日14:14  沪江英语 微博   
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  Everyone knows Jay Z is a huge basketball fan so to ensure his baby girl Blue Ivy is well taken care of while he enjoys the games with Beyonce, the couple rent a high end nursery for their daughter at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn Us Weekly reports。都知道Jay Z是个超级篮球迷。据美国周刊(Us Weekly)报道,Jay Z为了确保和妻子碧昂斯(Beyonce)在看球时,他的小公主布露·艾薇(Blue Ivy)能被好好照料,夫妻俩在布鲁克林的巴克莱中心租下了一座高档幼儿园。

  "Jay rents a luxurious basement suite for $1 million a year. It has an area for Blue filled with toys."“Jay以一年一百万美元的租金租下了这一奢华的地下套房。这地方有专门为布露·艾薇提供玩具的地方。”

  High rollers! The lavish space also has a playroom for adults。真是一掷千金!这地方太奢侈,还有成年人的娱乐室。

  "It's all glass with a champagne bar and TV screen," says the source. "Jay lets friends use his digs when he's not there."“整个套房全是由玻璃打造,外加一处香槟酒吧和大屏幕电视,”一消息来源称,“Jay不在的时候会让他的朋友住在那。”

  Must be nice to be little Blue Ivy!对小布露·艾薇来说这一定是个好地方!


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