
2013年04月07日10:00  沪江英语 微博   
凯特王妃身怀六甲仍穿高跟 玩篮球打乒乓不亦乐乎凯特王妃身怀六甲仍穿高跟 玩篮球打乒乓不亦乐乎

  With only three months left to go, many mothers-to-be would have started to resign themselves to maternity wear, elasticated waistbands

  and comfortable flats. Not the Duchess of Cambridge. And while it’s hardly surprising that she remains as elegant as ever, she also appears to be almost as slim as ever, with the merest hint of a baby bump。还有三个多月就要生产了,很多妈妈都会开始身着孕妇装,绑起可以调节松紧的束腰带,穿起平底鞋。但是剑桥王妃凯特可不会这么做。你不用惊讶于凯特王妃依旧穿着优雅、依旧身材苗条,只有微微隆起的腹部可以说明她已经怀孕了。

  Despite being six-months pregnant, the sporty royal looked slim as she played basketball and table tennis. And although there may have been little physical sign of her pregnancy as she visited a homeless shelter in Glasgow yesterday with Prince William, a beaming Kate was unusually happy to reveal details about her condition。已经怀孕六个月的凯特王妃在玩起篮球和乒乓的时候,依然身手敏捷、身材苗条。昨日,威廉王子和凯特王妃一起造访了格拉斯哥市的收容所(小编注:格拉斯哥是苏格兰人口最多的城市),开心的凯特王妃在讲到自己的怀孕情况时更是高兴异常。

  Dressed in a chic tartan coat and her trademark black suede

  boots, Kate said she plans to go on maternity leave from her royal duties from ‘around June time’. The duchess, who is six months’ pregnant, also revealed that her due date is ‘around mid-July’ – a slightly more precise hint than the official announcement。凯特王妃当天身穿时髦的格子呢外套,脚蹬她标志性的黑色山羊皮靴。王妃表示,她计划在“六月左右”放下皇室工作去休产假。王妃还透露说,她的预产期“大约在七月中旬”,这比官方发布的消息说得还要更详细。

  Kate, 31, also said that she and William had drawn up a list of boys’ and girls’ names for their first child – and that she has taken up knitting. ‘I’ve been trying to knit and I’m really bad. I should be asking for tips,’ she said。现年31岁的凯特还说,她和威廉王子已经为他们的第一个孩子想了一些男孩和女孩的名字,而且她已经开始学习编织了。“我已经开始学着编织了,但我真的很不擅长。我想向大家讨教一些经验呢。”凯特王妃说道。

  If the couple’s baby arrives in mid-July, he or she will be born under the star sign of Cancer. Cancerians – including Prince William’s mother Diana, who was born on July 1, and his stepmother Camilla who celebrates her birthday on July 17 – are said to be ‘soft, sensitive and affectionate’。如果威廉王子夫妇的第一个孩子于七月中旬诞生的话,那么这个孩子将会是巨蟹座。巨蟹座的名人包括威廉王子已故的母亲戴安娜,生日是7月1日,以及王子的继母卡米拉,生于7月17日。巨蟹座的人据说是“温柔、多愁善感、富于感情。”

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