
2013年05月07日16:55  沪江英语     收藏本文     


  A Spanish charity has revealed a unique poster that only reveals an anti-abuse helpline to children。西班牙一慈善机构最近发明了一张独特的海报,只有孩子才能看到海报上公布的虐童事件求助电话。

  The poster can only be fully seen when looked at from a child's point of view due to a lenticular printing technique more often seen in novelty postcards. 这种海报运用透镜印刷技术,只有从孩子的角度才能看到海报的完整内容。这种技术多应用在新奇的明信片上。

只有孩子才能看到的反虐童广告 只有孩子才能看到的反虐童广告
只有孩子才能看到的反虐童广告 只有孩子才能看到的反虐童广告

  When a child (or anyone under 1.35m tall) views the poster, they see the full message and helpline number. 当孩子(或不到1.35米高的任何人)看到海报,他们就能看到完整信息和求助电话。

  When an child sees it, they see the message 'If somebody hurts you, phone us and we'll help you,' while an adult simply sees an image of a frightened child。成年人只能从海报上看到一个受惊男孩的头像,但孩子却能发现隐藏在图像里的信息:“如果你受到伤害,请拨打这个电话,我们将帮助你。”The foundation said it hoped the poster would help children gain confidence to call the number. The campaign was designed to get the information about where to find help to children who may be accompanied by their abuser。该慈善机构希望这张海报能使受到家暴的儿童有勇气拨打求助电话。当受虐孩童上街时,施暴者很可能就站在身边,所以设计这种海报能帮助他们发出求助信息。

  The foundation was concerned that if a poster containing a phone number that both adult and child could see, the adult may possibly say things to dissuade the child from considering seeking help. 该机构的考虑是:如果大人孩子都能看到海报上的求助电话,施暴者就可能威胁孩子打消寻求外界救助的念头。

  'It is a message exclusively for them, hidden from adult's eyes' said Grey Spain, the agency behind the poster. 'It uses a lenticular to combine two images, and we have calculated an area visible only by children under ten - and a warning for adults.'设计海报的机构“灰色西班牙”表示:“这种海报藏着只有儿童才能看懂、大人看不到的信息。运用透镜技术,我们将两张图像合二为一,计算出只有十岁以下的孩子才能看到的区域;而大人看到的只是一个禁止虐童的警告。”




文章关键词: 虐童广告视频虐童广告视频广告儿童视频孩子视频

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