世界最丑陋的20种动物 宝宝见了会做噩梦

2013年05月27日11:25  中国网    
长鼻猴 长鼻猴
中国冠毛犬 中国冠毛犬
星鼻鼹鼠 星鼻鼹鼠
大鳄龟 大鳄龟
菲律宾眼镜猴 菲律宾眼镜猴
贝尔德貘 贝尔德貘
水滴鱼 水滴鱼
加州秃鹫 加州秃鹫
小吸蜜鹦鹉 小吸蜜鹦鹉
裸鼢鼠 裸鼢鼠
长角海蝎子 长角海蝎子
“东方雪人” “东方雪人”
穿山甲 穿山甲
巨眼金鱼 巨眼金鱼
加拿大无毛猫 加拿大无毛猫
软壳龟 软壳龟
扁鲨 扁鲨
塌鼻猴 塌鼻猴
狐猿 狐猿
异性两栖动物 异性两栖动物

  Nature is known for its extremes. Not every animal is as cuddly as a giant panda or as cute as a teddy dog; some creatures are just plain bad looking – ugly, to be honest. Most people will not even give those extremely weird and ugly animals a second look. But every one of them has its natural role to fulfill with its specifically designed organisms。

  Let's take a look at the 20 ugliest animals on the planet。


  The proboscis monkey, or long-nosed monkey, is a reddish-brown arboreal monkey that is endemic to the Southeast Asian island of Borneo. Its protruding nose makes this endangered creature easily identifiable. The monkeys honk to communicate with others and the nose straightens out during each honk。


  The Chinese Crested Dog is one of a few types of hairless dogs in the world. It looks like a toy dog and normally measures less than 33cm in height. Miss Ellie, a small bug-eyed Chinese Crested Dog, won the 2009 "World's Ugliest Dog Contest" at the Sonoma-Marin Fair in Petaluma, California. She also won Animal Planet's the "World's Ugliest Dog" contest that same year。


  The Star Nosed Mole is a mall mole found in the wet and low areas of eastern Canada and the northeastern United States. It is covered in thick, blackish-brown, water-repellent fur and has large feet and a long, thick tail. It is good at swimming and digging, and uses its hairless nose -- shaped like a "star" of 22 fleshy tentacles -- to identify food by touch, such as worms, insects and crustaceans, making up for its poor eyesight. The tentacles are extremely sensitive and can even sense electricity。


  This is definitely a creature that you do not want to insult. The Alligator Snapping Turtle is the oldest still-existing reptile around and one of the largest freshwater turtles in the world. It is found primarily in the waters of the southeastern United States. This big guy is quiet most of the time, but bites when threatened. The great strength of its bite can easily break a human finger. Equipped not only with a ferocious mouth, the turtle also has three rows of spikes on its back。


  Living in the Philippines, the Philippine Tarsier can fit in the palm of your hand. It measures up to a mere 15 cm (6 inches), making it one of the smallest primates in the world. Its big eyes and friendly face make it sweet, albeit an oddly kind of cute. Its bulging eyes are even bigger than its brain. The hands and legs of this little beggar resemble human limbs and they can leap as high as 3.3 meters (10 feet). Coming into the world some 45 million years ago, the tarsier has now become an endangered species。

  贝尔德貘是从南美到墨西哥发现的体型最大的哺乳动物。它们长6.6英尺(约2米), 高3.9英尺(1.2米),脸部和咽喉部是灰色的,鼻子上是一个黑点。好像它们长得还不够凶猛似的,贝尔德貘每只前脚只有四个脚趾,而后脚则有三个脚趾。

  The Baird's tapir is the largest land mammal residing in Central America. It measures an average of up to 2 meters (6.6 feet) in length, not counting its stubby tail of 7-13 cm (2.8-5.1 inches), and 1.2 meters (3.9 feet) in height. It weighs in around 150-400 kg (330-880 lb). This tapir has a distinctive cream-colored making on its face and throat, as well as a dark spot on each cheek. The animal has four toes on each front foot and three toes on each back foot。


  The Blob Fish looks more like a cartoon character than a fish. This little guy has a gloomy face, so it is often referred to as the "most sorrowful fish in the world." It has very few muscles and moves very slowly, almost floating like a jelly fish. The fish usually waits on the bottom of the ocean for food passing by. It lives at depths between 600-1,200 meters (2,000-3,900 feet) off the coasts of mainland Australia and Tasmania, but due to the deep-sea fishing and bottom trawling, it is currently facing extinction。


  The California Condor, a part of the vulture family, is the oldest and largest terrestrial bird in the world. It eats large amounts of carrion and is called a "scavenger of nature." Its plumage is black with patches of white on the underside of the wings and its head is largely bald, with its skin color ranging from gray to yellow and bright orange. It is also one of the world's longest-living birds, with a lifespan of 60 up to 80 years. Unfortunately, it has become one of the world's rarest bird species。


  The Little Lorikeet is native to Australia. Its food includes nectar, pollen and fruits. The newborns look kind of ugly, although they will finally turn into beautiful, rainbow-colored birds. These babies have a lot of growing up and coloring to do until then。


  The naked Mole Rat is native to some parts of East Africa. They spend most of their lives underground and are well adapted to this underground environment. With most of their skin exposed, they lack sweat glands and subcutaneous fat. These ugly guys use their giant, protruding teeth and jaws to dig extensive holes in the ground. The underground parts of plants serve as their food. They live in colonies like bees and have one queen who is responsible for all reproduction。


  Don’t be confused by its name. This Long-spine Sea Scorpion is in fact a common fish with a longer-than-normal spine, found in the shallow coastal waters of North Europe. This broad-headed and tapered bodied predator has a special gift for adopting the colors of its surrounding environment。


  The "Oriental Yeti" is a nickname given to the hairless creature that, according to a Daily Telegraph report dated April 5, 2010, was captured by hunters in China’s Sichuan Province. It was described as "somewhat like a bear, but it doesn't have any fur and features a tail like a kangaroo....It also does not sound like a bear -- it has a voice more like a cat and is calling all the time -- perhaps it is looking for the rest of its kind or maybe it's the last one?" Scientists have transported the mysterious beast to Beijing for DNA testing. However, no official conclusion has been drawn so far。

  美丑之分,总是展现在旁观者的眼中。这些看起来千奇百怪的动物,任何时候都不会马上赢得关于外表的赞誉,然而它们却非常有趣,值得一看。在神奇 的动物王国中,穿山甲从头到脚被丑陋的鳞甲包裹,可以周身蜷缩成球状,再也不会有比这更奇怪的动物了。目前,这种濒临灭绝的鳞鲤科哺乳动物生活在亚洲和非 洲大陆。

  The pangolin has large, hardened, keratin scales covering its skin from head to tail. It is the only mammal featuring this particular physical variation. Its natural surroundings are the tropical regions across Africa and Asia. It has a long and narrow body with short, stubby limbs. It can curl up into a ball when threatened, making it look extremely odd. Unfortunately, it is now an endangered animal species。


  The Celestial Eye Goldfish is a double-tailed breed of fancy goldfish with a pair of huge, telescopic eyes which are turned upwards, its pupils gazing skyward. We have sufficient reasons to assume their eyes are bigger than their stomachs。


  Known for its lack of fur coating, the Sphynx is a breed of cat from a nest of hairless cats originally bred and raised cat lovers in Toronto, Canada, in 1966. This type of cat does not have any fur, except for on their ears, mouths, noses, feet and the front of their tails. It may look hideous, but these guys are known to have great personalities, display a high level of energy, intelligence, curiosity, and are extremely affectionate with their human owners。


  Soft-shell crab may constitute for fine dining, but soft-shell turtle not so much that. In 2007, the World Wildlife Fund (now World Wide Fund For Nature) announced the discovery of this rare species in a former Khmer Rouge area of Cambodia. The habitats of this creature include river swamps, estuaries and mudflats in lowland areas。


  This is a type of creature that we never want to get close to. With its super sharp teeth and a lower jaw with strong biting force, it can swallow its prey at a mouthful. Well-adapted for staying on the sea bottom, it is of a compacted form with enlarged pectoral and pelvic fins. It buries itself in sediment and waits for passing prey, including benthic bony fishes, skates and invertebrates. Once spread throughout the coastal waters of the northeastern Atlantic Ocean, it is now a critically endangered species。


  Is that a monkey or a victim of plastic surgery failure? The Sub-nosed Monkey is a critically endangered species native to Asia, spread across southern China as well as the northern parts of Vietnam and Myanmar. It is distinctive for its turned-up noses. They have relatively multicolored and long fur, particularly on the shoulders and back。


  The Aye-aye is a primate found deep in the rainforests of Madagascar. It combines rodent-like teeth and a long, bony, witch-like middle finger that they use to pry insects and grubs from tree trunks. They are nocturnal, which means they only come out at night. This gremlin-looking creature has been considered a sign of bad luck and was killed en masse by local people. It has now become an endangered species, but luckily nobody regards the primate as food。


  If you think it is a worm, you are wrong. It is an adult Chikilidae hatching its eggs. Some biologists found this legless creature beneath the monsoon-soaked soils of remote northeastern India. The locals mistakenly regarded it as a deadly, miniature snake. It is actually an entirely new family of amphibians。

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