澳大利亚自恋美少年 天天被自己帅醒(双语)

2014年06月03日10:01  沪江英语     收藏本文     

  Seventeen-year-old Kurt Coleman has garnered an enormous following online by posting selfies and boasting about his good looks.

  The teenager, from Gold Coast City, Queensland, has become a web sensation with more than 172,000 followers on Facebook and 87,000 followers on Instagram。

  Kurt has compared his pictures to the perfection of a lunar eclipse and jokes that he inspired Beyoncé Knowles's hit Flawless。

  "I'm hot and I love myself," Kurt said. "People are really jealous of me, I can understand why, and I'll never change for anyone because I love myself."

  He also describes himself as the 'Australian Paris Hilton', whom he idolises because "she doesn't care about anything, she just does what she wants"。

  Kurt appears to be revelling in his new-found fame:

  I love how my face and name is everywhere right now, that's how I like it。

  — Kurt Coleman (@KurtJayColeman) April 18, 2014

  When asked to share the secrets of his good looks, Kurt informed Studio 10, "every week I get a spray-tan and then I wash my hair every day...I just try and look amazing every day"。

  Kurt is particularly popular in Australia and there are even businesses which sell Kurt Coleman merchandise。

  The Kurt Coleman Supply Company exists to promote 'the poster-boy to thousands of youth around the world for being who you are and not caring what anyone else thinks.'

  "It's so funny, I can't believe it really," Kurt said。

  "It's ridiculous, they're making money off my face, I'm going to get around to getting money out of them."

  In a manner not dissimilar to Justin Bieber, the social media star polarises opinion. Some admire his beauty and liberating individualism but others lament the popularity of a modern-day Narcissus whose looks have stunted the development of his personality。

  "Haters" regularly confront him in the street and the teenager admits to having been hit many times。


  澳大利亚一名17岁少年科特(Kurt Coleman)喜爱自拍,过度痴迷自己的脸蛋,光是脸书(Facebook)上就有10万多张的自拍照,而他每天最大的烦恼是“照镜子”,因为科特说,镜子里完美无瑕的自己,使自己的视线无法从镜子移开,而他过度自恋的情况导致其屡次遭受欺凌,最后休学在家但科特仍闯出自己的一片天。科特从小到大只有两个兴趣就是自拍和照镜子,而自称是“上帝赐给地球的礼物”的他,被同龄的孩子认为是怪胎,因此科特遭受排挤,最后只好休学。



文章关键词: 双语美少年

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