
2014年08月25日11:23  新浪教育     收藏本文     

  You put your right hand in,you put your right hand out。

  右手伸进去 右手伸出来

  You put your right hand in and you shake it all about。

  右手伸进去 摇一摇

  You do the hockey pokey and you turn yourself around,

  变戏法 转个身

  That's what it's all about。


  You put your left hand in,you put your left hand out。

  左手伸进去 左手伸出来

  You put your left hand in and you shake it all about。

  左手伸进去 摇一摇

  You do the pockey pokey and you turn yourself around,

  变戏法 转个身

  That's what it's all about。


  You put your right foot in,you put your right food out。

  右脚伸进去 右脚伸出来

  You put your right foot in and you shake it all about。

  右脚伸进去 摇一摇

  You do the pockey pokey and you turn yourself around,

  变戏法 转个身

  That's what it's all about。


  You put your left foot in,you put your left foot out。

  左脚伸进去 左脚伸出来

  You put your left foot in and you shake it all about

  左脚伸进去 摇一摇

  You do the hockey pokey and you turn yourself around

  变戏法 转个身

  That's what it's all about。


  You put your right shoulder in,you put your right shoulder out。

  右肩膀伸进去 右肩膀伸出来

  You put your right shoulder in and you shake it all about。

  右肩膀伸进去 摇一摇

  You do the hockey pokey and you turn yourself around,

  变戏法 转个身

  That's what it's all about。


  You put your left shoulder in,you put your left shoulder out。

  左肩膀伸进去 左肩膀伸出来

  You put your left shoulder in and you shake it all about。

  左肩膀伸进去 摇一摇

  You do the hockey pokey and you turn yourself around

  变戏法 转个身

  That's what it's all about。


  You put your right hip in,you put your right hip out。

  右屁股伸进去 右屁股伸出来

  You put your right hip in and you shake it all about。

  右屁股伸进去 摇一摇

  You do the hockey pokey and you turn yourself around

  变戏法 转个身

  That's what it's all about。


  You put your left hip in,you put your right hip out。

  左屁股伸进去 左屁股伸出来

  You put your left hip in and you shake it all about。

  左屁股伸进去 摇一摇

  You do the hockey pokey and you turn yourself around,

  变戏法 转个身

  That's what it's all about。


  You put your whole self in,you put your whole self out

  整个人钻进去 整个人钻出来

  You put your whole self in and you shake it all about

  整个人钻进去 摇一摇

  You do the hokey pockey and you turn yourself around

  变戏法 转个身

  That's what it's all about



文章关键词: 双语歌谣变戏法

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