Burying treasure on a desert island, diving from a boat in the sea, and counting off the days inside a prison cell。
These imaginative chalk drawings show a couple's baby boy 'transported' into different fantasy lands by his photographer parents。
Anna Eftimie, from California, began taking pictures of her son Serban when he was just five days old。
Then her husband suggested using pictures drawn on a chalkboard to make the images more 'special'。
The couple's first creation showed Serban wrapped in a blanket and being delivered by a stork - a reference to the myth。
They then started to create new images they have now dubbed 'Blackboard Adventures'。
The scenes include Serban at a disco, on a treasure island, on a hammock, and even in a prison cell。
Mrs Eftimie, 33, who runs Cute Moments Photography, said she had since been asked to create similar images for other parents。
One father asked them to create an image of his daughter as the American President while another family wanted an image of their child on an African safari adventure。
Mrs Eftimie said: 'Being a perfectionist I pay attention to very little details which is important to the final look of every image. If you combine that with my husband's creativity and passion for creating cool looking set-ups, you will get the photos that I really love working with - fresh and unique。
埃夫蒂米耶夫人说:“作为一个完美主义者,我很注重每幅画中,那些关乎最终画作的很重要的小细节。如果你将我的完美主义 与我丈夫的创作相结合,并乐意设计很酷的场景,你会得到我喜欢的新鲜而独特的照片。”
'It's a certain type of client who request these images - often with a lot of imagination and sense of humour in order to create a world around their child. Most people are still looking for the classic baby photos which is great but these are definitely something unusual and good fun。“
'What I enjoy most is the parents' reactions when they first see the finished product. One family wrote to me telling me how they were still smiling from ear to ear.'
文章关键词: 萌照