Staring at a computer monitor for hours on end has become part of the modern workday. Middle and high school students, as well as upper elementary students, find that most of their homework should also be completed on the computer. Add the amount of time spent on the computer or a tablet during the school day and our children are spending hours and hours on the computer every week。
Many parents question the effect that this computer time has on their child’s eyesight. In fact, the medical community has labeled the effect a computer screen has on the eyes as “Computer Vision Syndrome”. Computer Vision Syndrome, or CVS, is not one specific eye problem. Instead, the term encompasses a whole range of eyestrain and pain experienced by computer users。
*CVS symptoms include blurred vision, double vision, eye irritation, headaches, and back or neck pain. These effects are the same experienced by a person who has watched too much TV, read a book for too long, or played one too many video games. In fact, the vast majority of CVS symptoms can be found in Asian students who study for many hours a night. **BBC News reports a “massive rise in Asian eye damage”. The article goes on to state that, “the "extraordinary rise" in the problem is being caused by students working very hard in school and missing out on outdoor light…Up to 90% of school leavers in major Asian cities are suffering from myopia -short-sightedness – while in the UK, the average level of myopia is between 20% and 30%。”
*电脑视觉综合症包括视力模糊、复视、眼部刺激感、头疼、和肩颈背痛。这些电子屏产生的影响和人们看了太久电视和书,或者玩了太久的游戏机的道理一样。实际上,大部分的“电脑视觉综合症”发生在亚洲学习到深夜的学生身上。**BBC新闻报道了题为“亚洲人视力严重下降”(“massive rise in Asian eye damage”)的文章。文章说道,眼部问题“惊人的飙升”是因为学生在学校学习过度,并且缺少室外活动和阳光的照射导致。高达90%的亚洲大城市学生有近视眼,而这一数据在英国的平均值是20%-30%。
Don’t fear! There are easy, effective ways to control or even counteract the negative effects that technology and reading have on the eyes. Making a few changes to your home/work environment, and how your child interacts with technology, can help prevent and even improve Computer Vision Syndrome. Here are some easy tips from the medical experts at WebMD:
【1. 减弱反光】
Cut the glare
Change the lighting around you to reduce glare on the computer screen. In general, lighting levels between 200 and 700 lux (approximately 20 to 70 foot candles) measured at the workstation are recommended. More than 500 lux will usually be needed only to read poor quality documents。
【2. 重新摆放你的书桌】
Rearrange your desk
Researchers find that the optimal position for your computer monitor is slightly below eye level. At that position, you shouldn't have to stretch your neck or strain your eyes to see what's on the screen。
【3. 遵循20/20原则】
Follow the 20/20 rule
Look away from the screen every 20 minutes or so and either gaze out the window or scan the room for about 20 seconds to rest your eyes. Blink often to keep the eyes moist。
【4. 保持合适的阅读距离】
Keep some distance
The human eye has to work much harder at close distances. ***Not surprisingly, people reading on their smart phones tend to hold the device much closer to their eyes than they would a book or magazine. A 2011 study found that the majority of study participants held their phones 14 inches from their eyes to read text messages, 12 1 / 2inches for a Web page, and printed text at a distance of 15 3 / 4 inches. The American Optometrists Association has found that a viewing distance of 20 to 28 inches is generally recommended for best eye health。
近距离读东西的时候,眼睛更容易疲劳。***人们看手机的时候,眼睛离材料会比读书或者杂志时候更近。2011年的研究发现,大部分人使用手机时,眼睛据手机屏幕14英尺(约36厘米),使用电脑时,眼睛屏幕12.5英尺(约32厘米),看纸质材料是,眼睛据材料15.75英尺(约40厘米)。美国验光师协会(The American Optometrists Association)发现,距离阅读材料20-28英尺(约51-71厘米)是最有益于眼睛健康的阅读距离。
【5. 走,到户外去!】
Go outside!
The final step to keeping ourselves and our children healthy is an easy one- go outside and play! ****Time Magazine found that, “Chinese young adults in Australia, where exposure to bright sunlight is more likely, show lower rates of myopia than Chinese young adults living in cities in East and Southeast Asia. Similarly, white children living in Sydney show lower rates of nearsightedness than those living in the U.K。”
Technology is the future. Gone are the days of file cabinets and books, pencils and erasers. As adults, it is our job to care for the only pair of eyes we have. As parents, it is our job to be sure our children know how to use technology safely, as technology- and their eyes- will be a part of their lives forever。
文章关键词: 眼睛
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