A sulphur-crested cockatoo has apparently made it to his 100th year, surpassing most birds of his kind by 60 years。一只葵花凤头鹦鹉迎来了他的100岁生日,比它的大多数同类多活了60年。
Keeping to tradition, Fred - the flying-centenarian, was sent a letter from The Queen at Buckingham Palace to mark his special milestone。按照传统,这只名为“弗雷德”的百岁鹦鹉,也如那些百岁老人一样,从白金汉宫收到女王的信件纪念这个特殊的日子。(注:英国白金汉宫有一个工作团队,其主要任务是让那些百岁老人包括动物,在生日时可以接到来自女王的贺卡)
The talking-bird was also thrown a huge birthday-bash by his carers at the Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary outside Hobart on Sunday. 周日,波诺朗野生动物疗养院(位于霍巴特以外)的抚养员们为这只会说话的鸟举办了一场大型生日派对。
Greg Irons, Director of Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary told Daily Mail Australia that Fred could in fact be even older than 100. 波诺朗野生动物疗养院负责人格雷格•埃伦斯告知澳大利亚每日邮报的记者,弗雷德事实上可能不止100岁。
If Fred's age is in fact correct, the senior bird would have been born around World War 1 in 1915, flying his way through a hundred years of memories。如果年龄属实,那么这只高龄鸟类可能生于1915年一战时期左右,它的飞行里程已承载着百年的记忆。
'He doesn't do a lot of flying, still dances, sings and talks a lot. “他现在不怎么飞行,但仍在跳舞,唱歌,会说很多话。”
Other than a few sprains, Fred has had no health issues and has not visited a vet in 10 years. 除了偶尔扭伤,弗雷德没有任何健康问题,10年来它从没看过兽医。
For cockatoos living in captivity like Fred, 70 is considered extraordinarily old. Sulphur-crested cockatoos in the wild live to about 40-years-old。对于像弗雷德那样圈养的凤头鹦鹉,活到70岁已属高龄。而野生的葵花凤头鹦鹉大约只能活到40岁左右。
'Fred doesn't think he is a bird, he thinks he is a person, so when he has all that human attention he loves it。“弗雷德并不认为自己是只鸟,它认为自己和人一样,他喜欢得到所有人的关注。
'It was so touching to see everyone here,' Mr Irons said. 'It says a lot about animals in general.' “能够在这里见到大家真是太感动了!”埃伦斯先生说,“总之,这对动物来说意义重大。”
But Fred doesn't warm to everyone - he has a preference。但弗雷德并不是对所有人都热情,他有自己的偏好。
'He is one for the ladies - he doesn't like males. He is a man-hater.' “他专属于女士,不喜欢男性,是男性厌恶者。 ”
Fred, who is 'full-of-life and constantly interacting with humans', is an icon for all animals, according to Mr Irons。埃伦斯先生说,弗雷德活力四射,不断与人交流,它是所有动物的偶像。
He said he has seen a few cockatoos reach 120-years-old but none quite like Fred。他说,虽然见过一些120岁左右的凤头鹦鹉,但都不同于弗雷德。
'He is a special boy to all of us - he brings a lot of life。“它对于我们来说是特别的存在,他给我们注入了生机与活力。 ”
'I would love to think he would be around for another 10 or 20 years.' “我相信它能再活十年甚至二十年。