10月圣诞节 美全城为病童提前过节(组图)

2014年12月09日17:08  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     


美全城为病童10月过圣诞 美全城为病童10月过圣诞
美全城为病童10月过圣诞 美全城为病童10月过圣诞

  Little Ethan Van Leuven died Tuesday, just a week after his town of West Jordan, Utah, banded together to celebrate the holidays early so Ethan, who had leukemia, could enjoy them。伊桑·范·勒芬于本周二离世。一周前,伊桑所在的美国犹他州西乔丹小城,为了这个患有白血病的、即将离世的小男孩,提前庆祝了万圣节、圣诞节等节日。

  Ethan, 4, passed away "surrounded by family and friends," a statement on Ethan's GoFundMe page read。伊桑的“请捐钱给我”的个人网页上称,4岁的伊桑在家人和朋友们的陪伴中离开了这个世界。

  "Super Hero Ethan earned his wings. He fought as hard and as long as any Super Hero could. His family are in all of our prayers and thoughts," the statement read。“伊桑没有让大家失望,他是超级英雄,他顽强的与病魔作斗争,这种精神和超级英雄是一样的。他的家人也得到了大家的祈祷和关心。”

  Though diagnosed just prior to his second birthday, Ethan lived almost three years post-diagnosis and only stopped responding to treatments very recently.2岁时被诊断患有白血病,至今伊桑与病魔斗争了将近3年的时间,直到最近才停止治疗。

  "The doctors basically said he's got two days to a couple of weeks left to live, and so that's when we thought we would make the most of the last days he has remaining with us," Ethan's father, Merrill Van Leuven, told the "Today" show。“医生说他在这个世界上可能只剩下不到一周的时间了,所以我们想一定要好好利用这段时间。”伊桑的爸爸梅里尔说。

  Residents went trick-or-treating on Oct. 21 and Ethan donned a Superman costume, the Deseret News reported. On Oct. 23, a parade was held in town to mark Ethan's fifth birthday, one month early. Darth Vader, Indiana Jones, a bagpiper and dozens of others marched in Ethan's honor, the paper said.10月21日,西乔丹全城的居民们提前庆祝了万圣节,那天伊桑把自己装扮成了超级英雄。10月23日,居民们又提前一个月为伊桑庆祝5岁的生日,大家装扮成“黑武士”、冒险英雄“印第安纳·琼斯”和“风笛手”等各种形象在街上列队游行。

  "You are our hero," a police officer said over the car's loud speaker, according to the Deseret News. "Thank you for being a part of our lives, Ethan. Our hero."当地官员还通过扬声器大喊:“伊桑,你是我们的英雄,感谢你成为我们生活中的一部分。”

  On Oct. 24, the town celebrated Christmas, Ethan's favorite holiday. Neighbors decorated their houses, and Santa and Mrs. Claus (with the town's local fire department) gave Ethan a ride on a fire truck. Carolers sang and the family toured the neighborhood to see the decorations. The next day, the family celebrated Christmas Day, according to the Deseret News。伊桑最喜欢的节日是圣诞节,10月24日小城的居民们又开始举办一系列的圣诞节活动。每家每户都装上了圣诞彩灯,还有市民扮成“圣诞老人”用消防车载着伊桑。大家还一起为伊桑唱圣诞颂歌。第二天,伊桑一家一起庆祝了圣诞节。

  Merrill Van Leuven said he was "just overwhelmed" by the community's support。伊桑的爸爸说大家这么支持让他“非常感动”。


文章关键词: 圣诞

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