Premature birth may increase the risk for serious mental illness inadolescence and young adulthood, a recent studyreports。
Researchers reviewed birth and hospital admissions records ofmore than 1.3 million Swedes born from 1973 to 1985. They foundthat compared with those born at term, young adults born verypremature - at less than 32 weeks' gestation - were more than twiceas likely to be hospitalized for schizophrenia or delusionaldisorders, almost three times as likely for major depression, andmore than seven times as likely for bipolarillness。
The lead author, Chiara Nosarti, a senior lecturer inneuroimaging at Kings College London, emphasized that while theincrease in relative risk is substantial, the absolute increase innumbers of people with the illnesses is not。
"Despite these findings," she said, "the majority of people bornpreterm have no psychiatric problems, and the number of peoplehospitalized with psychiatric disease is verylow."
"Still, she added, "routine screening may help to detect earlysigns of illness."
"The risk also increased for people born late preterm, or 32 to36 weeks' gestation, but not as sharply. They were 60 percent morelikely to be admitted for schizophrenia or delusional disorders, 34percent more likely for depressive disorder, and about twice aslikely to be hospitalized for bipolar illness。
The researchers acknowledge that the findings could be affectedby factors they could not control for, including unmeasuredsociodemographic factors, a family history of preterm delivery,maternal substance abuse or smoking, and bacterial or viralinfections。
But experts not involved in the study were impressed with thework. "This is an important, expertly executed epidemiologicalstudy," said Catherine Monk, an associate professor of clinicalpsychology at Columbia who conducts research in perinatalpsychiatry and neuroscience. "It provides compelling evidence thatour mental health trajectories are initiated early indevelopment."
"Dr. Monk, too, noted that the study did not mean that being bornprematurely inevitably leads to mental illness。
"The risk found is still low in an absolute sense, and finallyit, too, can be modified by other factors in the child'sdevelopment," she said."
"Dr. Bradley Peterson, director of the Center for DevelopmentalNeuropsychiatry at the New York State Psychiatric Institute, saidthe size of the sample was "stunning" and "allows very stronglevels of confidence that the findings are notspurious."
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