
2014年12月10日14:41  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  Do you believe that blood types, like zodiac signs, candetermine your personality? People in Japan take blood types veryseriously, according to a recent BBC report. They have bigimplications for life, work and love. “What’s your blood type?” isoften a key question in everything from matchmaking to jobapplications。


  Last year, four of Japan’s top 10 best-sellers were about howblood type determines personality, selling more than 5 millioncopies altogether。


  Taku Kabeya, chief editor at Bungeisha, the publisher of oneof the books, told The Huffington Post that he thought the appealof these books comes from having one’s self-image confirmed.Readers discover the definition of their blood type and “It’s like‘Yes, that’s me!’”


  As defined by the books, type As are sensitive perfectionistsand good team players, but they tend to be over-anxious. Type Osare curious and generous but stubborn, while ABs are artistic butalso mysterious and unpredictable. Type Bs are cheerful, but haveeccentric, individualistic and selfish traits。


  About 40 percent of the Japanese population are type A and 30percent are type O, while only 20 percent are type B, with ABaccounting for the remaining 10 percent, according to theBBC。


  Morning television shows, newspapers and magazines oftenpublish blood type horoscopes and discuss relationshipcompatibility based on blood types. Popular comics and video gamesoften mention a character’s blood type。


  You can even buy soft drinks, chewing gum, and bath saltscatering to different blood groups。


  Blood types, however, are simply determined by proteins in theblood. Why is it such a popular belief that they determine one’scharacter? One reason often given about the craze is that in arelatively uniform and homogenous society, it provides a simpleframework to divide people up into easily recognizablegroups。


  “Being the same is considered a good thing here in Japanesesociety,” translator Chie Kobayashi told the BBC. “But we enjoyfinding little differences that distinguish people。”


  The beliefs surrounding blood groups have been used in unusualways。


  The women’s softball team that won gold for Japan at theBeijing Olympics is reported to have used blood type theories todesign training for each player. Major companies reportedly makedecisions about assignments based on employees’ blood types。


  In 1990 the Asahi Daily newspaper reported that MitsubishiElectronics had announced the creation of a team made up entirelyof AB workers, because of “their ability to make plans”。


  These beliefs even affect politics. Last year, the country’sMinister for Reconstruction Ryu Matsumoto was forced to resignafter only a week in office, after a bad-tempered encounter withlocal officials was televised. In his resignation speech he blamedhis failings on his blood type。


  “My blood is type B, which means I can be irritable andimpetuous, and my intentions don’t always come across,” said aremorseful Matsumoto。


  Not all see the craze about blood types as harmless fun, andthe Japanese now have a term for it, “bura-hara,” meaningblood-type harassment。


  People with blood B and AB are especially looked down uponbecause according to their blood types they are strange and can’tget along with others. The negative images are so widelyacknowledged that people with these blood types are reluctant to“come out”. It even affects their willingness to become blooddonors。


文章关键词: 性格

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