
2014年12月10日15:36  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
5岁女儿筹款带绝症爸爸游玩迪士尼 5岁女儿筹款带绝症爸爸游玩迪士尼
5岁女儿筹款带绝症爸爸游玩迪士尼 5岁女儿筹款带绝症爸爸游玩迪士尼

  Damian Myles, 42, has been given just months to live, and fundraisers have dug deep to grant his daughter Ruby her wish of taking him to Disneyland Paris。英国绍斯波特市42岁的戴米恩·迈尔斯身患癌症,生命只剩下不到几个月的时间。当地社区的人们努力筹款帮助戴米恩5岁的女儿鲁比实现“带爸爸去巴黎迪士尼”的愿望。

  A little girl's dream of taking her daddy to Disneyland “before the angels come for him” has come true。这个天真可爱的小女孩希望在“天使把爸爸带走之前”能和爸爸一起去趟迪士尼。

  Damian Myles, 42, was last week told that he had just months to live after fighting cancer for more than a year。上周,42岁的戴米恩•迈尔斯在与癌症病魔斗争了一年多的时间后,被告知他也许只剩下几个月的寿命了。

  His only daughter, Ruby’s wish was to go on a trip of a lifetime with her daddy following his devastating news。在知道这个可怕的消息之后,戴米恩唯一的女儿5岁的鲁比就非常希望能在爸爸有生之年和他一起去趟迪士尼。

  With the family unable to afford the holiday, the whole community has dug deep to give them memories that they can treasure forever。可戴米恩一家根本没有足够的钱来负担这趟迪士尼之旅的费用,于是整个社区都伸出了援手,希望帮助他们一家人通过这次旅行留下美好难忘的回忆。

  Annie McTaggart, of Southport, helped to organise fundraising for Damian and Ruby, five, and staged a party to tell the family they had week-long tickets to the resort in Paris。来自本市的安妮·麦克塔格特负责组织为戴米恩一家的筹款,并且举行了一个派对告诉戴米恩一家他们获得了能在巴黎迪士尼游玩一周的门票。

  Annie said: “The day was just so emotional, they are such a lovely family and Damian is one of the nicest men you can meet. He has just constantly been saying ‘Why are you helping me, there are others with cancer.’安妮说,“那天非常令人很感动,他们是可爱的一家人,戴米恩真是个好男人。他不停地在说‘你们为什么愿意帮助我呢,还有那么多身患癌症的病人哪’!”

  “Ruby had come downstairs one morning and said ‘Daddy, I am taking you to Disneyland before the angels come for you.’ When I gave her the tickets, she said ‘Does this mean I can take my daddy to Disneyland?’ - it was overwhelming。”“有天早晨鲁比从楼上下来跟戴米恩说‘爸爸,在天使来带走你之前,我想带你去趟迪士尼乐园’。当我把门票递给这个可爱的小女孩时,她问‘也就是说我可以带爸爸去迪士尼了对么’,那一幕真的让人既感动又快乐。”

  Fundraisers were able to send the Myles family so quickly thanks to a generous local businessman who gave them money for the trip。筹款人之所以能这么快就实现鲁比的愿望要感谢当地一个慷慨的生意人,他愿意为戴米恩一家的这趟旅行出钱资助。

  Annie said: “We worked hard to reach our total, but Disneyland is expensive. We knew that we needed to send the family as soon as possible as we just do not know how Damian is going to be from week to week and he could quickly get to the stage where he can’t fly。安妮说,“我们努力希望能筹到更多的钱,但是迪士尼的费用确实很高。我们知道我们得尽快帮他们一家开始这趟旅行,因为我们不知道随着时间的流逝戴米恩的病情会有什么变化,也许很快就恶化到无法去玩的地步了。”

  “A charitable businessman has loaned us the rest of the money because he was so moved by the family’s story, but we need to pay him back。”“一位慷慨、仁慈的生意人帮我们凑足了剩下的钱,他是被鲁比一家的故事所感动了,但是我们一定会继续筹钱然后把钱还给他。”

  In just one week, campaigners were able to raise £4,130, but they still needed more than £1,000 to pay off the holiday。仅仅一周的时间,这些热心人们就募集了4130英镑,但是整趟旅行还需要至少1000英镑。

  Ruby and her parents set off on their dream trip on Tuesday and will return next week。鲁比和她的爸爸妈妈上周二开始了他们的迪士尼梦幻之旅,并将在下周回来。


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