UNIT 06 Body Temperature
Our body temperature is usually 36.5 degrees. When we are sick, our body temperature goes up. Sometimes, a high fever is very dangerous. We have to take medicine to lower it. Body temperature is usually taken at a person’s forehead, ear or in one’s mouth. A high fever means our bodies are fighting against bacteria or a virus。
Select True or False
❶ A high fever isn’t dangerous to human beings at all. (T/F)
❷ Body temperature is usually taken at a person’s forehead. (T/F)
❸ Body temperature is important to people. (T/F)
More to know
··I have a high fever。
··The room temperature is low。
*Read and circle the best answer
❶ What is our usual body temperature?
a. 35.6 degrees b. 36.5 degrees c. 40 degrees
❷ What happens if we have a high body temperature?
a. have a toothache
b. have a fever
c. have a runny nose
*Complete the sentence with the right answer。
❸ Body temperature is usually taken at a person’s , ear or in one’s mouth。
a. eyes b. wrist c. forehead
❹ A high fever means our bodies are fighting against or a virus。
a. bacteria b. mineral c. vitamin
*Circle the correct sentence。
❶ The girl is taking her temperature in her mouth。
❷ The girl is taking her temperature at her forehead。
❸ The girl is taking her temperature at her ear。
文章关键词: 学英文
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