
2014年12月16日14:07  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  中式英语×: It was so late there was no taxi.

  美式英语√: It was so late that there was no taxi available。

  中式英语×: It's seven twenty o"clock。

  美式英语√: It's seven twenty。

  中式英语×: Your coat is broken。

  美式英语√: Your coat is torn。

  中式英语×: Let me help you to do your work。

  美式英语√: Let me help you with your work。

  中式英语×: Susan didn't make a fault anyway。

  美式英语√: Susan didn't make a mistake anyway。

  中式英语×: May I borrow your phone。

  美式英语√: May I use your phone。

  中式英语×: Would you mind posting this letter for me? Yes, certainly。

  美式英语√: Would you mind posting this letter for me? Of course not。

  中式英语×: He becomes better。

  美式英语√: He got better。

  中式英语×: We'll have a hearing test tomorrow。

  美式英语√: We'll have a listening test tomorow。

  中式英语×: I recommend you to take a long vacation。

  美式英语√: I recommend that you take a long vacation。

  中式英语×: The last bus leaves at eleven o'clock. It's about eleven now, Hurry up!

  美式英语√: The last bus leaves at eleven o'clock. It's nearly eleven now, Hurry up!

  中式英语×: It was still bright outside。

  美式英语√: It was still light outside。


文章关键词: 英语

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