双语:英国巨型宠物兔 体长1米比狗大(图)

2014年12月16日14:43  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
英国巨型宠物兔 体长1米比狗大英国巨型宠物兔 体长1米比狗大

  Weighing more than a stone and measuring 34in, Oscar is so large he must sleep in his own Wendy house complete with electricity and a potty outside his owner's house in Seaham, County Durham。来自英国锡厄姆的宠物兔奥斯卡,身长34英寸(约86厘米)、比一块大石头还重,由于身材过于健硕而睡在了主人为其专门定制的、位于主人屋外的温迪小屋中,小屋里有供电还有一个便盆。

  The rabbit chomps through seven packets of broccoli, a punnet of strawberries, a bag of apples and a box of granola every week, leaving room for treats of digestive biscuits and nuts。奥斯卡一周要吃7包西兰花,一箱草莓,一袋苹果以及一盒麦片,除此之外,还有促消化的饼干和坚果。

  Owners Ronnie, Beth and Maisy Humphrey said they had no idea Oscar would grow to become so large. 奥斯卡的主人尤尼、贝丝和马西·汉弗莱表示他们不知道奥斯卡会长这么大。

  'We begged and begged for my mam to buy Oscar when we saw him, he was bigger than an average rabbit but he was six weeks and only a baby,' said 22-year-old Ronnie. “我们看到它的时候就央求妈妈买给我们,那时候它只有6周大,身材确实比同龄兔子大一点,不过它还只是个兔宝宝。”22岁的尤尼说。

  'We never expected him to grow as quickly as he did and now he is absolutely massive. “我们完全没有想到他会长得这么快,现在的它可以用巨大来形容了。”

  'When we take him to the vets it takes two of us to carry him in because he is so heavy.' “我们带它去看兽医的时候都要两个人一起抱着它去,因为它实在太重了。”

  Originally, Oscar slept in the family home with his best friend, their terrier Maisy. 之前奥斯卡和它的好朋友—主人的宠物小猎犬麦茜一直都睡在主人们的屋里。

  But the rabbit eventually outgrew the house, so was moved to custom-built accommodation of his own。但是奥斯卡现在长得太大了,不适合再和主人住在一起,所以就搬进了主人专为它自己专门定制的小屋里。

  'He is one of the family, he loved it indoors so when he got really big we decided to make him a home in a Wendy house,' added the school teacher. “它是我们家庭中的一员,它喜欢呆在室内,所以当它越来越大时我们决定给它建一个温迪小屋。”尤尼是一名老师,她说道。

  'I was worried about how Oscar would cope in winter so my dad offered to install the electric heating inside it. “我担心奥斯卡冬天住在小屋里可能会冷,所以爸爸给小屋安装了电暖气。”

  'He’s house trained as well and has his own potty so whenever we do bring him inside, we know there won’t be a mess. “奥斯卡受过很好的训练,有自己的便盆,所以我们不担心它会把小屋弄得一团糟。”

  'If Oscar had his way he would never stop eating. He is quite greedy and we have to really watch him. “如果放任奥斯卡不管它会一直吃东西。它很贪吃,所以我们必须管着它。”

  'He has a great personality so when he is trying to sneak more food we can usually never say no.' “但它性格非常招人喜欢,所以当它偷偷多吃东西的时候,我们也都不忍心阻止它。”

  The family were devastated when Oscar had to have one eye removed because of an abscess, but the operation saved his life and he is likely to live for many years to come。由于眼部脓肿,奥斯卡不得不做手术摘除了一只眼,当时奥斯卡的主人们都伤心不已,但庆幸的是这次手术使奥斯卡的寿命又延长了好几年。

  Even though the hefty £500 vet bill is still rising, they say that Oscar’s health is worth any amount of money。为了医治奥斯卡,主人已经花费了超过500英镑,而且这个数字仍在上升,但奥斯卡的主人们称只要它健康花再多钱都值得。

  Before his operation, the pampered bunny won first place in a photograph competition where the winning pet was given their very own calendar photo shoot。做手术之前,这只被主人精心照料的宠物兔参加了一个摄影比赛并获得了第一名,并因此有机会得到了一本用自己照片做成的日历。

  'The vet told us that the best option would be to have Oscar put down but it was never going to be an option,' Miss Humphrey added. 尤尼说:“兽医曾告诉我们最好是让奥斯卡减肥,但这根本行不通。”

  'Thankfully Oscar pulled through and although he only has one eye, he is on the mend and we are treating him with extra digestive biscuits and letting him spend more time in the house on the sofa.' “幸好奥斯卡的健康状况正在好转,虽然它只有一只眼睛了,但他已经在慢慢恢复,而且我们还给它吃消化饼干,并让它长时间呆在屋里的沙发上。”


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