When a South Carolina student was given an assignment by his teacher to create a Facebook-type status report telling something interesting about himself, he allegedly wrote “I killed my neighbor’s pet dinosaur. I bought the gun to take care of the business。”美国南卡罗来纳州的一名学生在完成老师布置的“按更新脸书的风格写一件发生在自己身上的趣事”的作业时,写道“我买枪杀死了邻居的宠物恐龙”。
School officials were alarmed by 16-year-old Alex Stone’s words and called police. Now Stone and his mother Karen Gray are speaking out to media as they feel the school overreacted。学校被这个名叫亚历克斯·斯通的16岁学生的作文吓到并报了警。目前,斯通和他的妈妈凯伦·格雷找到媒体澄清,并表示是学校反应过度了。
“I could understand if they made him rewrite it because he did have ‘gun’ in it,” Gray told the NY Daily News. “I mean first of all we don’t have dinosaurs anymore. Second of all, he’s not even old enough to buy a gun。”“如果老师让他重写一篇我能够理解,毕竟他的作业里有‘枪’这个词。”格雷告诉《纽约每日新闻》的记者,“可事实是,首先恐龙已经不存在了,其次他这么小怎么可能去买枪。”
The cops took Stone in for questioning and searched his locker and backpack for guns. None were found。警察询问了斯通并搜查了他的储物柜和背包,但没发现任何枪支。
Police told My Fox Chicago that Stone was difficult during questioning and they arrested him and charged him with disturbing the school. Stone was also suspended from Summerville High School for a week。警方告诉My Fox Chicago的记者,斯通在询问中不太配合,他们现已拘留了他并指控他扰乱学校秩序。同时,斯通被其所在的学校萨默维尔高中停课一周。
While Gray says she understands the gravity of the issue, the mother wishes the school handled things differently。斯通的妈妈表示虽然她知道这件事情的严重性,但她还是觉得学校应该换一种方式处理此事。
“If the school would have called me and told me about the paper and asked me to come down and discussed everything and, at least, get his point-of-view on the way he meant it. I never heard from the school, never. They never called me,” said Gray。“我觉得学校应该先打电话给我告诉我这件事情,让我去学校一起商量一下,至少,也让我先问问孩子为什么会写这样的东西。可是我一直都没接到学校的任何通知。他们从未联系过我。”格雷说。
While Stone wishes he’d turned in a different assignment, he’s frustrated with the school and would prefer to be home-schooled moving forward。而斯通也表示他希望自己当时交的作业不是这篇,现在他已经有点不喜欢学校了,宁愿选择在家里完成学业。
“I regret it because they put it on my record, but I don’t see the harm in it,” Stone told My Fox Chicago。”I think there might have been a better way of putting it, but I think me writing like that, it shouldn’t matter unless I put it out towards a person。”“我很后悔,因为这给我留下了不良记录,但是我没想到会这么严重。”斯通说,“我觉得(这个作业)可能会有更好的表达方式,但我想着这样写,如果不让别人看到的话应该没什么事。”
Gray says her son is allowed to return on Monday。格雷说他儿子周一才能回来。
文章关键词: 双语
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