
2014年12月23日10:34  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  This is the pet for you if you want to get a head。如果你想引人注意的话,大白菜就是你的宠物。

  Photo agency Europics claimed last week that teenagers photographed at Beijing's Midi Music Festival "walking" cabbages on leashes were doing so as a means to cope with loneliness and depression. However, according to That's Mag, the cabbage-walking was merely a performance art piece。上周摄影机构Europics称,中国青年在北京迷笛音乐节“遛白菜”是为了缓解孤单、释放压力。但是据网站That's Mag称,“遛白菜”仅仅是行为艺术表演。


  The performance was based on the work of Chinese artist Han Bing, whose photo series, "Walking the Cabbage," depicted him dragging a leashed cabbage in various locations。这场行为艺术是由中国艺术家韩冰的作品衍生出来的,韩冰的系列摄影“遛白菜”记录了他在不同地点“遛白菜”的场景。

  According to Europics, the teens in the photographs at the Midi festival told reporters that walking cabbages helped them cope with emotional problems。据Europics 称,迷笛音乐节上的青年告诉记者“遛白菜”能帮助他们处理情感上的问题。

  "I feel I can transfer my negative thoughts about myself to the cabbage, go for a walk with it and come home feeling better about myself," 17-year-old Lui Ja Chen was quoted as saying.17岁的陈璐佳(音译)这样说道:“我觉得自己的负面情绪可以转移到白菜上,遛着白菜走一圈再回家让我感觉好多了。”

  It's unclear whether the teens really saw some therapeutic benefit to the cabbage-walking, or they were just messing with reporters. 目前尚不清楚这些青年是否真得认为“遛白菜”有治疗作用,还是只是应付记者随便说说。

  Another 17-year-old, Da-Xia Sung, reportedly said "I have more interest for my cabbage than I do my parents. I feel it understands me."另一位17岁的少年孙达夏(音译)说:“白菜比父母更能让我感兴趣,我觉得白菜懂我。”


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