There may be a ten year age gap between the Duchess of Cambridge and Princess Mary of Denmark but the pair could easily pass as twins. With their wavy brunette hair, petite features and slim figures, the physically resemblance between the two is uncanny。剑桥公爵夫人凯特和丹麦王妃玛丽年龄相差十岁,但是看上去她们真像一对孪生姐妹。同样拥有波浪卷深色头发、娇小的身型和纤瘦的身材,她们的相似之处真是不可思议。
But the royals have much more in common than just appearance. Both were 'ommoners' who married a prince. Princess Mary is native to Australia and met her husband-to-be during the Sydney Olympics. Like Kate, who met Prince William at university, she had no royal roots。但两位皇室成员的相似处不仅仅在外貌上。首先她们都以平民身份嫁给王子。玛丽王妃是澳大利亚人,在悉尼奥运会时她遇见了她未来的丈夫;这与凯特王妃的情况很相似,她是在大学认识威廉王子的,她同样没有皇室血统。
The pair both share a love of sport, are both mothers and will both one day be queens。这两位王妃都热爱运动,都已为人母,而且将来有一天都会登上皇后的宝座。
They also share an impeccable sense of style, looking the part whatever the occasion. In fact, their taste in clothing is so similar, they have even been known to wear the same coat - but thankfully not on the occasion they met when Kate visited Denmark。在穿衣风格上,她们的品味也惊人相似,无论什么场合衣着都很相像。事实上,他们的穿衣品味是如此相似,以致于她们甚至穿过同款大衣——但是幸亏不是在凯特访问丹麦的时候。
Here the pictures reveal just how similar the royals are.。。下面的几组图片告诉你“撞脸”王妃们的相似度吧……
Princesses of the piste: Princess Mary on the Swiss slopes and Kate skiing in 2008, also in Switzerland。滑雪道上的王妃们:玛丽王妃在瑞士滑雪道的斜坡上,2008年凯特王妃也在瑞士滑雪。
Spring brides: Princess Mary tied the knot with Prince Frederik in May 2004 while Prince William and Kate married in April 2011. Both brides opted for veils and long-sleeved dressed and wore tiaras。春天的新娘:玛丽王妃在2004年5月与丹麦王储弗雷德里克喜结连理,而威廉王子和凯特王妃则在2011年4月结婚。两位新娘都选择了面纱与长袖婚纱,并头戴皇冠。
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