
2014年12月25日11:07  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
Christmas photos Christmas photos
Santa baby Santa baby
Carols Carols
Christmas greeting postcards Christmas greeting postcards
Grace Grace
Shirley Temple Shirley Temple
Lucky kiss Lucky kiss

  From lighting a real candle on the branch of an indoor Christmas tree, to a well-dressed family singing carols on a stairwell in the home, it seems Christmas has changed significantly over the years。从在室内圣诞树的树枝上点亮真的蜡烛,到一家人盛装打扮在楼梯间唱颂歌,看起来这些年的圣诞发生着巨大的改变。

  This romantic collection of nostalgic black and white photos reveal there wasn't a beard bauble in sight as people from a bygone era celebrated the festive season。这些有格调的怀旧风黑白照片显示,在过去的年代里,人们庆祝圣诞节并没有络腮胡这些小玩意。

  As well as images of shoppers on a not-so-crowded street in Holborn, London, the photos capture the Golden Age of Hollywood。还有购物者徘徊在伦敦霍尔本并不那么拥挤的大街上, 这些照片还原了好莱坞的黄金年代。

  Here, Femail picks its favourite images that show an It's A Wonderful Life-style Christmas.。.这里,《Femail》挑选了一些展示美好圣诞的老照片……

Santa baby: Mary Martin, an American actress, singer and Broadway star, poses as a 'fetching Christmas assistant' in 1940.圣诞宝贝:1940年,美国演员,歌手和百老汇明星玛丽·马丁摆了一个“迷人的圣诞助手”POSE。

  A woman sings carols with children on a decorated staircase at Christmas-time in the 1940s.20世纪40年代的圣诞,一位女子和孩子们在装扮靓丽的楼梯上唱颂歌。

  This Christmas greeting postcard was sent from Egypt in 1910, showing a young girl carrying a calendar in her hands, with a Bonne Annee inscription (l) and a French Christmas greeting postcard, with Joyeux Noel inscription and image of children playing with a Christmas tree。这张圣诞贺卡是从1910年的埃及寄出的,展示的是一个小女孩手里捧着本日历,贺卡上有“新年好”的题词(左图);另一张法国圣诞贺卡,上面有“圣诞快乐”的题词,和孩子们在圣诞树下玩耍的图样。

  Grace is said before eating cakes at a Children's Christmas Party for three-year-olds at an Infants' School in Stoke-on-Trent, 1952.1952年一家斯托克的幼儿园里,3岁小孩的圣诞儿童晚宴上吃蛋糕之前他们在做祷告。

  A nurse reads a story while surrounded by Christmas presents at the The Children's Hospital in Hampstead in 1936.1936年的汉普斯特德的儿童医院里,一名护士在圣诞礼物的包围中讲故事。

  Shirley Temple modeled a new Christmas dress in this 1935 photo, left. Happy New Year! Thousands of revellers cheer in 1953 around a Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square, London。秀兰·邓波儿在这张1935年的照片里穿着新的圣诞礼服(左图)。新年快乐!伦敦特拉法加广场的圣诞树周围,成千上万的狂欢者在庆贺。

  Lucky customer, Chris Paul, gets a steller kiss on the cheek from movie star, Kirk Douglas, in 1949 after she bought Christmas charity seals at his booth on Hollywood and Vine in Hollywood。幸运的客户克里斯·保罗,从电影明星柯克·道格拉斯那里得到了一个斯特勒脸颊吻,就在1949年他从好莱坞大道和葡萄藤大道道格拉斯的货摊上买了圣诞慈善印章之后。


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