This is a dog who treats the streets of China like a catwalk, strutting around on her hind legs wearing colourful clothing for up to an hour at a time。这只狗狗穿着色彩亮丽的衣服,仅靠后腿支撑就在中国的大街上昂首挺胸地直立行走,将大街当作猫步台,一次就能行走一个小时。
Xiaoniu has become a regular sight in Shanghai, as she follows her owner, sixty-two-year-old Mr Fang, to the food market every day。小妞已经成为了上海一道常规的风景线,她紧紧跟随62岁的主人方老伯,每天走去菜市场。
He dresses her in coats, tutus and even geisha outfits, along with accessories such as hats, masks and sunglasses。方老伯给小妞穿上了外套,芭蕾舞短裙,甚至还有歌妓套装,配上帽子,面具和太阳眼镜这样的饰品。
Xiaoniu had been abandoned when Mr Fang found her three years ago。方老伯在三年前捡回了被遗弃的小妞。
Popular: Passers-by take photographs of Xiaoniu as she strolls along in bright pink clothing。人气天后:就在小妞穿着亮粉色的衣服悠闲过街时,路人们都忙着给小妞拍照。
Xiaoniu, wearing a Santa hat and rucksack, leans on a sculpture at Pudong Zhengdajiayuan housing estate。小妞带着圣诞帽,背着个帆布背包,倚在证大家园房产的一个雕塑上。
A video of Xiaoniu has been uploaded to the internet and has received thousands of hits。小妞的一个视频上传到了网上,并收到了成千上万的点击率。
Bright: Xiaoniu poses for the camera while wearing green horns and a mask, plus a pink shawl。靓丽的小妞:她戴了绿色的角,披上了粉色的围巾,在镜头前面摆了个POSE。
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