松狮染发山寨熊猫 马戏团戏耍观众(图)

2014年12月27日18:04  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
松狮染发山寨熊猫 马戏团戏耍观众松狮染发山寨熊猫 马戏团戏耍观众

  Some circus numbers are all about deception, like magic tricks and gravity-defying acrobatics. Paying to take a photo with what is supposed to be an exotic animal is not one of those things. 一些马戏团玩的把戏全是骗人的,比如魔术、反重力杂技表演等。可花钱和一只来自异国的动物合影本不应属此类。

  An Italian circus took advantage of its patrons’ demand for cute animals by painting black patches on the ears and backs of two white Chow Chow puppies – and passing them off as pandas。意大利的一家马戏团利用顾客想要看到可爱动物的心理,居然想到把两只松狮幼犬的耳朵和背后染黑假装成大熊猫的主意。

  According to the State Forestry Corp, the furry puppies, one male and one female, were camouflaged as pandas so children and parents would pay to take photos with them. The kids couldn’t tell the difference. But the police did. 这一公一母两只小松狮,被马戏团人员化装成大熊猫后,家长[微博]和孩子们就要花钱才能和“大熊猫”合影留念了。孩子们没看出异样,可警方却没那么好骗。

  The above photo shows one of the dogs painted by the Italian circus. Here is what pandas actually look like:题图用的是意大利马戏团用松狮假装的“大熊猫”图片,下面这张才是货真价实的大熊猫。

  Police arrived to shut down the circus – on tour in Brescia, Italy – when they realized the pandas were fake. 警方发现大熊猫是假冒的以后,随即来到马戏团并令其关闭。

  “As soon as our volunteers got closer they realized the animals had nothing to do with the East Asian bears but were chow chow dogs painted as pandas,” Italy’s Animal Protection Party group chairman, Fabrizio Catelli, told Il Giorno newspaper. “We believe it’s unacceptable to ridicule animals for entertainment and profit。” 意大利动物保护组织主席法布里齐奥说:“我们的志愿者走近一看,发现这些动物根本不是大熊猫,而是被涂了颜色的松狮犬。我们认为为了娱乐和盈利来嘲弄动物是让人无法接受的。”

  The dogs, imported from Hungary, are in good health. One had particularly watery eyes, though, possibly “aggravated by the continuous exposure to camera flashes,” the State Forestry Corp said in a statement。这些松狮犬是从匈牙利进口的,在被警方没收之后,健康状态良好。但是其中有一只有流眼泪的情况,警方表示这可能是因为不断接触闪光灯的结果。

  The owner of the circus was arrested and accused of animal abuse, Italian media reported. 据意大利媒体报道,警方以虐待动物罪将马戏团的所有者逮捕并将对其进行指控。


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