双语:亚航客机失联 机上或载155人(图)

2014年12月28日13:37  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
亚航客机失联 机上或载155人亚航客机失联 机上或载155人

  An AirAsia flight from the Indonesian city of Surabaya to Singapore lost contact with air traffic control on Sunday, Indonesian media said, citing a Transport Ministry official。据印尼当地媒体报道,印尼交通部称,周日,一架从印尼泗水飞往新加坡的航班失联。

  Transport Ministry official Hadi Mustofa said the aircraft, flight number QZ 8501, lost contact with the Jakarta air traffic control tower at 6:17 a.m local time。印尼交通部官员Hadi Mustofa称,航班QZ8501在当地时间6点17分,与雅加达飞航管制塔台失联。

  The Airbus 320-200 had 155 passengers and crew on board, another Indonesian Transport official said。另一位交通官员表示,这架A320-200空中客车载有155名乘客与工作人员。

  Mustofa said the plane had asked for an unusual route before it lost contact.Mustofa说航班在失联前曾申请一条不同寻常的路线。

  The flight had been due in Singapore at 8:30 a.m. Singapore time (0030 GMT). The Singapore airport said on its website the status of the flight was "delayed"。失联的QZ8501航班原本应于北京时间今日上午8时30分抵达新加坡,目前新加坡机场的这个航班状态是“延误”。


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