爸爸拍女儿 18岁前每天一张照片(组图)

2014年12月29日15:32  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
爸爸给女儿每天拍一张照片 爸爸给女儿每天拍一张照片
爸爸给女儿每天拍一张照片 爸爸给女儿每天拍一张照片

  Most teenagers groan when their parents fetch the family album。一看到父母拿出家庭影集,大多数的青少年都会不耐烦的哼哼。

  But not Suman Bansal, whose dad has given her an unusual 18th birthday present - a photo taken on each day of her life。然而苏曼·班赛尔绝不会这样。她的爸爸给了她一份特殊的18岁生日礼物——一张张每天为她拍下的照片。

  Bookkeeper Munish, from Gillingham, has uploaded every photo in the 6,570-shot collection to the web - and made it into a 12-minute Youtube video。班赛尔一家住在英国肯特郡吉林厄姆市,爸爸慕尼克是一名会计,他将这本包括6570张相片的影集上传到了网络上,并且制作了一个12分钟的Youtube视频。

  The shots show his daughter happy, sad, asleep, at the swimming pool, in a washing basket and even wearing a witch’s hat。在这些照片里有女儿开心的表情、难过的表情,睡着的样子、在游泳池里的样子、在洗涤篮里的样子,还有带着巫婆帽的样子。

  The dad took his first photo of Suman on May 16, 1996 - the day she was born。爸爸为苏曼拍摄第一张照片是在1996年5月16日——她出生的那一天。

  Since then, his daily portraits have captured every moment of her life - from her first steps to her changing hairstyles - and he has used them to keep an online diary。从那天起,他的“每日一照”就开始记录女儿生活中的每一个片段——从她开始蹒跚学步的样子到她发型的变换——他用这些照片在网上制作了一本在线日记。

  Suman says: 'Being photographed every day just feels like any normal day as I have grown up with it my whole life。苏曼这样说道爸爸的“每日一照”:“每天拍照对于我来说真的是非常平常,因为我成长的过程中每天都是如此。”

  'At times it can become irritating as I don't always feel my best especially when I am running late. I do not have a favourite picture because all are special. I cannot compare.'不过有的时候这件事会让我生气,因为我觉得自己没有到最佳状态,特别是我要迟到的时候。我没办法挑出最爱的一张,因为每张照片都很特别,我无法作比较。”


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