
2014年12月30日09:52  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
哈士奇偷溜进商店盗狗粮 哈士奇偷溜进商店盗狗粮
哈士奇偷溜进商店盗狗粮 哈士奇偷溜进商店盗狗粮

  After a few dog treats disappeared, employees at a Dollar General store in Clinton soon discovered their thief was a four-legged bandit。美国克林顿市的一家达乐连锁超市遗失了几包狗粮,人们很快发现行窃的是一只“四只手”。

  Cato the husky spends most of his days lounging around his Clinton house, but it's what he does when he gets out that has his owner worried。这只名叫卡托的哈士奇犬每日都在家里闲逛,而它外出时所做的事则让主人惊讶不已。

  "My dog was shoplifting," laughed Holly Darden, Cato's owner。“我的狗从超市偷东西。”卡托的主人达登大笑着说。

  Wednesday morning, Cato got off his leash and took off. And not long after his escape, the Dollar General store on South Broad Street was robbed。周三早晨卡托挣脱了狗链跑出去玩,它出门不久,达乐超市就遭到了抢劫。

  "We didn't know it happened because he just snuck in with the customers," said store manager Anastasia Polson。超市经理阿纳斯塔西娅·波尔森说,“这只狗是混在人群里潜入超市的,我们并未察觉。”

  Polson said it happened twice within a few minutes. She said someone had stolen pig ears, beef bones, dog food and treats off the shelf。波尔森说,几分钟之内发生了两起盗窃事件。有人从货架上窃走了猪耳朵、牛骨、狗粮和狗零食。

  She knew their surveillance cameras were rolling, so when she watched the film, she saw they had a shoplifting dog。她知道监控摄像头拍摄了当时的画面。当她播放录像时,她发现偷东西的是一只狗。

  Cato's crime spree was quick lived. And he took the goods and buried them nearby。卡托很快感受到了犯罪的快感。它带走了赃物,并在附近把赃物埋了起来。

  Darden said police told her it was their best arrest ever. She said she's not sure if this is his first theft, but he has gotten into other local businesses。达登说,警方称这是他们解决过的最容易的盗窃案。她说自己不确定这是不是卡托第一次偷东西,但它确实去过当地的其他超市和餐馆。

  "He's gotten into Ingles. He's gotten into BI-LO. He goes to Pizza Hut. And he goes up to Yo Cup which is downtown too," she said. Darden said he's not hungry。它去过英国宫超市,庇隆超市、去过必胜客。它还去过市中心的优卡酸奶冰淇淋店。达登说卡托偷东西并不是因为饿。

  "Look at him, he's fat," she laughed. "Yes! I feed him. There's food in there. There's treats in there."“看看它,长得圆圆的,”她笑着说。“我喂过它了。它肚子里有狗粮,还有零食。”

  Cato did spend time at the pound, but he's back home resting. And Clinton police did fill out a report just for fun。卡托在拘留所呆了一小会,然后就回家了。克林顿市的警察还填写了一份有趣的警方报告。


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