In the war of the pets, dogs have won the latest battle - or at least their owners have。在宠物大战中,最近夺冠的是狗——或者说至少是狗主人胜出了。
Research discovered not only are dogs the most popular animal of choice to have in the home - dog owners are hardworking early risers, and most likely to be married。研究发现狗不仅是家养宠物的首选——养狗的人还是勤奋的早起者,而且大都已经结婚了。
Meanwhile cat owners are shy, single and messy, and people who own rabbits are more likely to be creative, laid back scatterbrains。与此同时,养猫的人容易害羞、单身、邋遢,养兔子的人比较有创造力,也比较神经大条。
Elsewhere, rabbit and dog owners said they were early risers, while cat lovers claimed to be night owls. The poll was conducted by UK pet insurer Petplan to celebrate the launch of its Find a Pet website。另外,养兔子和养狗的人说自己是早起者,而养猫的人声称自己是夜猫子。英国宠物保险公司Petplan组织了这次调查问卷,来庆祝它的网站“Find a Pet”的开张。
The most popular pet among the respondents was a dog, at 77 per cent. Cats owners made up 21 per cent of the respondents, while only 2 per cent owned rabbits. 参与者中77%的人养的是狗,所以狗是最受欢迎的宠物。其中还有21%的人养猫,只有大约2%的人养兔子。
Each participant was asked to describe themselves in three words. Over half of dog owners described themselves as hardworking, a third said they were outgoing and logical, while a fifth also described themselves as neat。每位参与者都需要用3个词来形容自己。养狗的人超过一半形容自己勤奋,其中三分之一说自己外向而且有逻辑,还有五分之一的人认为自己整洁。
The most common description among cats owners was introverted (21 per cent), followed by messy (20 per cent) and couch potato (13 per cent)。猫主人对自己的评价最多的是内向(21%),然后是邋遢(20%)和非常懒惰(13%)。
The most hardworking dog lovers owned German Shepherds and the neatest dog owners had Border Terriers. 爱狗者中最勤奋的是养德国牧羊犬的,最整洁的是养博德猎狐犬的。
Among cat lovers, those who owned Persian cats were the most laid back, but people with Tortoise Shells were the most shy. 至于爱猫者中,养波斯猫的人最闲散,而养(毛色为黄褐黑白相间的)家猫的人是最害羞的。
Elsewhere, dogs were most likely to be owned by married men who live in the countryside, while single females in their twenties owned the most cats。此外,养狗的人大[微博]都是居住在乡村的已婚男人,而猫主人大都是20多岁的单身女子。
How do pet owners rate themselves against other animal lovers?宠物的主人都是怎么评价自己的?
Dog owners were the most likely to describe themselves as hardworking (55 per cent), a people person (34 per cent), logical (32 per cent) and neat (23 per cent)。养狗的人最可能形容自己勤奋(55%)、人缘好(34%)、有逻辑(32%)还有整洁(23%)。
German Shepherd owners most likely to describe themselves as hardworking (74 per cent)。德国牧羊犬的主人最可能形容自己勤奋(74%)。
Cocker Spaniel owners most likely to describe themselves as scatterbrains (15 per cent)。可卡犬的主人最可能形容自己马大哈(15%)。
Border Terrier owners most likely to describe themselves as neat (35 per cent)。博德猎狐犬的主人最可能形容自己整洁(35%)。
Staffordshire Bull Terrier owners most likely to describe themselves as messy (26 per cent)。斯塔福郡斗牛梗的主人最可能形容自己邋遢(26%)。
Springer Spaniel owners most likely to describe themselves as extrovert (21 per cent)。史宾格犬的主人最可能形容自己外向(21%)。
West Highland Terrier owners most likely to describe themselves as couch potatoes (12 per cent)。西部高地猎犬的主人最可能形容自己十分懒惰(12%)。
Cat owners were the most likely to describe themselves as introvert (21 per cent), messy (20 per cent), couch potato (13 per cent) and a cool cat (13 per cent)。养猫的人最可能形容自己内向(21%)、邋遢(20%)、十分懒惰(13%)还有头脑冷静(13%)。
Moggy owners most likely to be hardworking (67 per cent) and laid back (67 per cent)。家猫的主人最可能是勤奋的(67%)还有闲散的(67%)。
Bengal owners most likely to be creative (56 per cent)。孟加拉猫的主人最可能是富有创造力的(56%)。
British Shorthair owners most likely to be logical (43 per cent)。英国短毛猫的主人最可能是有逻辑的(43%)。
Maine Coon owners most likely to be a people person (67 per cent)。缅因猫的主人最可能是人缘好的。
Tortoise Shell owners most likely to be introvert (50 per cent) and lone ranger (50 per cent)。(毛色为黄褐黑白相间的)家猫的主人最可能是内向的(50%)而且是独行侠(50%)。
Persian owners most likely to be cool cats (43 per cent) and extrovert (29 per cent)。波斯猫的主人最可能是头脑冷静的(43%)和外向的(29%)。
Rabbit owners were the most likely to describe themselves as creative (56 per cent), laid back (31 per cent), scatterbrain (16 per cent), lone-ranger (13 per cent) and geek chic (13 per cent)。养兔子的人最可能形容自己富有创造力(56%)、闲散(31%)、马大哈(16%)、是独行侠(13%)和极客(13%)。
文章关键词: 双语