He is the face of 2014. No, we're not talking about a politician, or actor or Nobel Prize winners. We mean Boo. CUTE LITTLE BOO。他就是2014年的年度红人。不,我们不是在说政客、演员或是诺贝奖得主。我们说的是大头狗狗Boo!人见人爱花见花开的小Boo!!
But though Boo tops our Pet Power list of 2014, we love all the animals on the Internet, so we had a look at the other most internet-famous pets of 2014- complete with adorable pictures。但是虽说Boo荣登2014年度最火宠物榜单,网上所有走红的动物我们都爱,所以我们决定看看其他登上2014年网络萌宠榜单的小可爱们吧,当然啦,配有萌萌哒的写真哦。
Boo (born March 16 2006) has been on the Internet for a while, but cinched his fame this year, with a whopping following of over 16 million, and a strong presence on all social media platforms. The cute Pomeranian even has a stuffed toy version for sale in Urban Outfitters.Boo(出生于2006年3月16日)已经在网上红极一时了,但是在今年是人气大爆发的一年,吸取了超过1600万的庞大粉丝群,而且在所有社交网络平台上都占有一席之地。这只激萌的博美犬甚至在Urban Outfitters店里有售卖同款填充玩具。
Twitter followers: 3,368
Instagram followers: 521,000
Facebook likes: 16,736,739
Youtube subscribers: Not Applicable
Grumpy Cat looks like us when we see a bad graph. That's what's so cute about her- she encapsulates the 'not impressed' vibe many cats often give off. Rumours that she was worth $100 million were debunked, but her owner has taken on managing the star as a full-time job and with millions of social media followers we couldn't not include her.。.不爽猫看起来就像我们看到很糟糕图表时的样子。这也就是为什么她那么萌的原因——她囊括了很多猫咪通常不那么印象深刻的这一特质。谣言表示她曝光之后值10000万美元,但是她的主人已经俨然成为这只明星猫咪的全职经纪人,而且在社交媒体上她也有了百万粉丝……
Twitter followers: 257,000
Instagram followers: 524,000
Facebook likes: 7,000,000
Youtube subscribers: 191,000
Lil bub was discovered as the runt of a healthy feral litter in rural Indiana. She needs special attention to live as she has special needs. However, she overcame adversity and is now a published author, talkshow host, and possibly the cutest cat on the Internet.Lil bub在印第安纳州的乡下垃圾堆里被发现的一只不健康的侏儒野生猫咪。因为特殊需求她的生活需要特殊关照。不过,他克服了逆境并且现在,已经成为了出书的作家、脱口秀主持人、而且很可能是网上最萌萌哒的喵星人。
Twitter followers: 47,000
Instagram followers: 616,000
Facebook likes: 1,470,000
Youtube subscribers: 144,900
Beast is only on one social network- Facebook. But he has an astonishing amount of likes, and is the dog of Mark Zuckerberg, so we had to include him. He also looks very snuggly to cuddle.Beast只有脸书这一个社交媒体账号。但是他的点赞数却令人咋舌,而且他可是马克·扎克伯格的狗狗,所以我们必须把他算上。而且他看上去也好暖好惹人抱。
Twitter followers: N/A
Instagram followers: N/A
Facebook likes: 2,060,742
Youtube subscribers: N/A
Marnie is nearly 10 years old, but is still adorable. She was found by Animal Control on the streets of Connecticut in 2012. She's blind in one eye due to neglect. Things have looked up for her now, she is one of the most famous animals on the Internet and has loving owners。玛尼已经快10岁了,但是仍然超级可爱。她在2012康涅狄格州的大街上被动物管理局发现了。因为疏于照料,她的一只眼睛是看不见的。如今的他,已经是网上最出名的动物之一,而且有了很有爱心的主人们。
Twitter followers: 42,700
Instagram followers: 704,000
Facebook likes: 170,798
Youtube subscribers: 9,205
Henri, le chat noir
Henri is a philosopher cat who teaches his followers about the meaning(less) of life. He also loves to sleep and has a very wise face。昂立是只教授他粉丝无常人生的哲学喵星人。他也喜欢睡觉,而且有一张很博学的脸。
Twitter followers: 301000
Instagram followers: N/A
Facebook likes: 16,780
Youtube subscribers: 56,128
Pudge the cat
Pudge is an adorable cat with a moustache and a craft show, and is basically the most hipster cat on the internet. You can get nail art with Pudge's face on。帕吉是只有小胡子的,且有工艺品展的可爱的猫咪,而且在网上,基本上他就是最时髦的喵星人了。你可以买到有他画像的美甲片。
Twitter followers: 4,437
Instagram followers: 278,000
Facebook likes: 378,228
Youtube subscribers: 12,263
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