
2015年01月12日10:17  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  Father dresses as Spider-Man to surprise and delight terminally ill son

  If this video of a father dressing up as Spider-Man to surprise his cancer stricken son doesn’t move you, you’ve officially got no heart. 这个视频记录了一位父亲易装蜘蛛侠以给身患癌症的儿子惊喜。如果这都感动不了你,那你真是没心了。

  In the clip, dad Mike Wilson dresses as the web-slinging superhero as a birthday surprise for five-year-old son Jaden, who is currently battling a Grade 4 brain stem tumour, a condition which gives sufferers a year to live。在视频片段中,这位名为迈克·威尔逊的父亲变身为会吐丝织网的超级英雄,为五岁的儿子杰登献上生日礼物。杰登现正和一个四级的脑肿瘤干细胞做斗争,这种病的患者只有一年可以活。

  The youngster looks stunned as Mr Wilson, a parkour enthusiast from Hampshire, is seen to jump from the roof of their home, before introducing himself to Jaden and grilling the birthday boy on his age。当来自汉普郡的跑酷狂热党威尔逊先生从自家房顶跳下后,还没来得及向杰登介绍自己和拷问小寿星的年龄,孩子已经看呆了。

  After giving Jaden a hug, Spidey proceeds to scoop him up in his arms before going back into their house, where they presumably swapped tips on how to defeat Dr Octopus and the Green Goblin。拥抱杰登之后,蜘蛛侠先用双臂兜起孩子,然后走进家去,想必和孩子交换了怎样制服章鱼博士和绿恶魔的方法。

  Mike remains upbeat about his son’s diagnosis and said: ‘Today he is still with us fighting it all the way, but at least he has Spider-Man to take care of him’。对于儿子的诊断,迈克保持乐观态度:“今天,他仍和我们一路抗争着,但至少他有蜘蛛侠的照顾。”

  YouTube commentators were quick to hail the video, with one praising Mike as ‘dad of the century’.YouTube评论很快捧红了这段视频,有网友称赞迈克为“本世纪的超级爸爸”。


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