双语:挪威熊家长 为拍照将婴儿放悬崖边

2015年01月15日09:42  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
挪威熊家长 为拍照将婴儿放悬崖边挪威熊家长[微博] 为拍照将婴儿放悬崖边

  This is the shocking moment a baby was allowed to crawl perilously close to the edge of a steep cliff in Norway so that her parents could snap a keepsake photograph.

  Dressed in a pink outfit and cap, the young child was accompanied by four adults, who were at least a few feet away from her, and would have faced certain death if she had rolled in the wrong direction. 这真是一个惊险时刻!一对父母为了给孩子拍纪念照,让自家的小婴儿趴在挪威的一座陡峭的悬崖边缘,情况特别危险。小朋友穿着粉色的衣服,带着帽子,身边虽然有四个大人围着,但大人们都离她至少有几英尺远,如果她稍微滚偏一点点,便注定要葬身崖底。

  Hiker Fred Sirevag, who snapped the chilling photo on Saturday afternoon, said he couldn’t believe his eyes when he encountered the scene as he made his way up to Preikestolen (Pulpit Rock), a steep cliff that has a 1,982ft drop。登山者弗雷德·希瑞瓦格周六下午拍下了这张让人后怕不已的照片,他表示当他爬到布道台看见这场景时,他简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。布道台是一座陡峭的悬崖,有1982英尺深。

  ‘It’s a straight drop. You don’t want to go too close because it’s pretty scary. You’d be pretty much dead if you fall down there.’“悬崖非常陡峭。你不会想要靠的太近,因为这太吓人了。如果你从这儿掉下去,差不多就死定了。”

  Mr Sirevag snapped the photo and considered walking down to say something to the group, but they scooped up the baby and moved on。希瑞瓦格拍了照之后就想走下去对这群人说点什么,但他们很快就把孩子抱走离开了。

  Mr Sirevag added: ‘I think they put the baby into a great risk. A baby can easily tip around and it’s really unpredictable and you never know when that will happen。希瑞瓦格补充说道:“我觉得他们这样做给孩子带来了很大的危险。孩子很喜欢动来动去,你根本没法预测孩子的行动。”

  Preben Falck, CEO of the Stavanger Tourist Association, encouraged people to use extreme caution when they hike up to Pulpit Rock。斯塔万格旅游者协会CEO普雷本·法尔克提醒人们在攀登布道台时要万分小心。

  He told the Norwegian News Agency: ‘I have taken my children to Preikestolen and kept them at a safe distance away from the edge。他告诉挪威新闻社:“我也曾把我的孩子带去布道台,但我一直让他们和悬崖边保持着安全的距离。”

  Pulpit Rock towers over a fjord in the municipality of Forsand and is one of Norway’s most popular attractions, drawing tens of thousands of holidaymakers every year。布道台立于福桑区的一处峡湾之上,是挪威最受欢迎的景点之一,每年都会吸引成千上万名游客。

  Last year, a Spanish man plunged to his death while taking photos, reigniting the debate over whether a security fence should be installed to protect visitors。去年,一名西班牙男子在此拍照时不慎跌落,葬身崖底,此事引发了众议,一些人认为应该在悬崖边安装护栏保护游客。

  But Falck believes a fence or signs would spoil the experience: ‘We cannot put up signs telling that parents should not put their children down near the edge. Nor do I think we should put up fences and secure the area.’但是,法尔克认为增加护栏或标语会破坏此处的美景:“我们不能立起标语牌提醒父母不要让孩子靠近悬崖边。我认为也不应该为了安保竖起护栏。”


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