Athletic Infants: Children who were able to stand and walkunaided at the earliest ages were more athletic as adolescents thanchildren who had been slower to reach those 'motor milestones,'according to a study of 9,000 people born in Finland in 1966 thatappeared in PLoS ONE. The most physically precocious infants --those who stood and walked unaided between about ages six monthsand eight months -- as 14-year-olds scored one-third of a gradehigher in physical education, attended more sports sessions perweek and played more types of sports than peers who hadn't stood orwalked unaided until six months later. The associations betweenearly motor skills and higher sports participation later in lifecould reflect genetic differences, as well as the influence ofearly biological factors, such as diet, the researchers said。
Caveat:The study relied on parental reporting to determinewhen the infants reached these motor milestones. If enough parentsdeliberately or unintentionally avoided reporting delayeddevelopment, the findings could be skewed, the researcherssaid。
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