春节双语习俗:大年初五 开市接财神(图)

2015年02月15日16:14  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
大年初五 开市接财神大年初五 开市接财神

  Chinese New Year on my fingertip 指尖上的新年:大年初五 开市接财神

  Today is the 5th day of the 1st month in Lunar Calendar. This day is commonly known as the Festival of Po Wu ( 破五, literally breaking five). 今天是大年初五,今天习惯称为“破五节”。

  According to the traditional customs, it is believed that many New Year taboos can be broken on this day. From this day on, shops will generally return to normal. 根据传统习俗,人们认为,很多新年禁忌,在这一天都可以被打破。

  There are several stories about the origin of the Festival of Po Wu, among which the most popular one is that this day is the birthday of the God of Fortune (财神, cai shen). 有几个关于破五节的来源的故事,在这其中最广为人知的便是,这一天是财神的诞辰。

  So, on this day, people will celebrate this day with a large banquet. 所以,在这一天,人们会有大餐来庆祝。

  They will also shoot off firecrackers in the attempt to get the attention of the god of fortune, thus ensuring his favor and good fortune for the whole new year. 人们还会放烟花,来吸引财神的注意,这样以保证新的一整年中都可以有财神的眷顾,而有财运降临。

  Even till today, In the northern part of China, people still prefer eating dumplings (饺子, jiao zi) on this day to celebrate that many taboos can be broken since this day. 甚至直到今天,在中国北部地区,人们仍然十分钟爱在这一天吃饺子,来庆祝这一天可以打破许多禁忌。

  Besides, the shape of a dumpling is like a gold ingot, so eating dumplings is also a way to celebrate the birthday of the God of Fortune。另外,饺子的形状酷似金锭,所以吃饺子也是一种庆祝财神诞辰的方式。


文章关键词: 双语春节

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