Tally the husky does not act like a normal dog. She was raised with cats so she has picked up some very cat-like mannerisms. Her owner posted these photos of her and she’s become a bit of a celebrity。这只名叫塔利的哈士奇表现得不像是只正常的狗。她和猫一起养大,沾染了不少猫的言行举止。她的主人贴出了塔利的照片,现在她也算是个名人了!
Here’s Tally when she was a puppy。这是塔利小时候的样子。
She sits and looks up like a cat。她坐姿像猫,向上看的样子也像猫。
She tucks her arms under her。她将前腿藏到身子底下。
She likes to sit in boxes。她喜欢坐在箱子里。
Yep that’s just like a cat。嗯,看起来简直就是只猫。
She’s very quiet, almost mute。她非常安静,几乎从不出声。
Tally likes to lie there and observe people while silently judging them。塔利喜欢躺在那儿观察人,默默地评价。
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