
2015年02月27日10:22  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
女童借与米歇尔见面递父简历 女童借与米歇尔见面递父简历
女童借与米歇尔见面递父简历 女童借与米歇尔见面递父简历

  One determined young girl went straight to the top to try to find a job for her unemployed dad — she asked the First Lady。一位机智而果敢的小女孩径直走上前,请美国第一夫人米歇尔帮助自己失业的父亲找工作。

  Ten-year-old Charlotte Bell, who was at the White House on Thursday for its annual. In “Take Your Daughters and Sons To Work Day,” Charlotte Bell politely asked Michelle Obama if she might be able to help her father, who has been out of work for several years.10岁的莎洛特·贝尔周四前往白宫参加一年一度的“带子女上班日”活动。活动中,小女孩莎洛特礼貌地询问第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马,能否帮帮失业好几年的爸爸。

  “My dad’s been out of a job for three years and I wanted to give you his resume,” the young Bell said after she was called on during a question-and-answer session with the First Lady。“我爸爸已经失业三年了,我想把这份简历递给您。”小贝尔到,她在和第一夫人的问答环节中提问,上呈了爸爸的简历。

  “Oh my goodness,” responded Obama, clearly surprised。米歇尔·奥巴马显然很吃惊,她不禁回应道:“哦我的天呐!”

  As members of the audience who didn’t hear the girl began to murmur, Obama added, “It’s a little private, but she’s doing something for her dad。”在场的一些观众没听清小女孩说了什么,他们开始窃窃私语。后来米歇尔补充道:“这件事有点私人性质,但是小贝尔是想为自己的爸爸做点事。”

  Obama took the resume from Bell after the event concluded。米歇尔在活动结束后带走了贝尔拿来的她爸爸的简历。

  Bell was in attendance at the event — held every year for Executive Office employees and their families — with her mother, an executive branch employee who did not want to be identified。贝尔当天参加的活动,是白宫为行政办公室员工及其家人举办的亲子活动,每年一次。贝尔的妈妈是行政部门员工,她也出席了这一活动,但她不愿意吐露姓名。

  Charlotte’s father, Ben Bell, has been looking for a job for more than two years and in recent months had sought work in the Obama administration. He worked on the Obama campaign in 2012.莎洛特的爸爸本·贝尔已经找工作两年多了,最近几个月来,他正在寻求奥巴马政府的相关工作。他曾效力于2012年奥巴马的总统竞选活动。


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