
2015年03月02日10:19  国际在线 微博    收藏本文     
低龄儿童接受性教育或适得其反 低龄儿童接受性教育或适得其反
低龄儿童接受性教育或适得其反 低龄儿童接受性教育或适得其反

  Most five-year-olds like playing with toys, running around with their friends and daubing as much paint on a sheet of paper as they can smear on themselves. That, surely, is what being five years old is all about. What it is not about is sex. Even in the highly sexualised world we live in, most five-year-olds wouldn’t even recognise the word, let alone have any idea what it meant or, frankly, any interest in finding out。


  But that’s not good enough for today’s so-called sex education experts, as a worrying new investigation has revealed. It found five-year-olds are not only being given the sort of sex education lessons that used to be reserved for teenagers, but that they are also being bombarded with graphic images and descriptions of adult sexual acts. There are comic-book-style pictures of different sexual positions, cartoon explanations of masturbation and orgasm, and crayoned drawings that are supposed to explain the difference between heterosexuality and homosexuality — with anal sex getting a special mention。


  For five-year-olds! So much for an age of innocence. Teenagers can legally drive a car when they are 17, but we wouldn’t dream of starting to teach them how to do it when they are five. So why is it suddenly different when it comes to sex? Answer: it isn’t. Five-year-olds — in common with six, seven and eight-year-olds — are simply not emotionally ready for this sort of information. Their bodies aren’t ready for sex and nor are their minds. It plays no part in their lives and that, in my opinion, is exactly how it should stay.



文章关键词: 双语性教育

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