It's the stuff little girls whose walls are adorned with pictures of Disney Princesses dream of. Now when they grow up they can become a little mermaid like Ariel thanks to a school in the Philippines。这是那些墙上挂着迪士尼公主画像的小女孩们梦寐以求的东西。现在,由于一所菲律宾的学校,她们自己也可以成长为爱丽儿那样的小美人鱼了。
The Phillipine Mermaid Swimming Academy in Manila are offering lessons in how to swim like the mythical creature by donning a tail and learning under water breathing techniques。这所位于菲律宾首都马尼拉的“菲律宾美人鱼游泳学院”教授学员们如何穿上鱼尾游泳,如何在水下呼吸等技巧,让她们都能像那种神秘的生物一样游泳。
Starting at £25 a class, the two-hour 'mermaid snorkelling' lessons are taught by qualified diving instructors。这种“美人鱼式水下呼吸”课程时长两个半小时,由专业潜水教练授课,起价为一堂课25英镑。
For £50, aspiring mermaids can indulge in two hours of 'Mermaid scuba diving'。花费50英镑的学费,这些兴致勃勃的小人鱼们就能享受两小时的“美人鱼式水肺潜水”课程。
Mermaid tricks such as dolphin kicks, hand stands and blowing a kiss under water are also taught in the classes, as well as how to possess the grace and elegance of a mermaid. They also try to instil an appreciation for the marine environment。课堂上还教授“海豚式摆尾”,“双手站立法”,“水下飞吻”等美人鱼的行为技能,以及如何表现出美人鱼一般优雅端庄的姿态。同时学院也致力于向学员们灌输热爱海洋环境的意识。
For those reluctant to dive in, they can just have a mermaid makeover and photo shoot.The school has been a hit so far - and not just with children. They said people of all ages have been coming to learn what it's like to be part human, part fish。对那些不想下水的学员,他们可以画一个美人鱼妆,然后拍张照片。学院成立以来一直非常火爆——不仅仅受到孩子们的欢迎。院方表示,各种年龄层的人都趋之若鹜,想来看看半人半鱼的生活方式是怎样的。
So anyone with a little girl under the age of six may have to start saving up for a trip to the Philippines some time soon。那些家里有六岁以下小女孩的家长[微博]们可能要开始攒钱,准备尽快去菲律宾了。
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