
2015年04月29日17:02  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  Fifteen video games that have engrossed gamers for untold hours were named finalists Tuesday for the new World Video Game Hall of Fame。周二,15款游戏进入了世界游戏名人堂的决赛名单,玩家们在这些游戏上花费了无数时间。

  The list includes arcade trailblazers Pong and Space Invaders, smartphone favorites Angry Birds and Minecraft and an array of others for console and computer。名单中包括电子游戏的先驱《乓》和《太空入侵者》,在智能手机上最受欢迎的《愤怒的小鸟》和《我的世界》在内的一些电脑和主机游戏。

  They are: Doom, FIFA soccer, the Legend of Zelda, the Oregon Trail, Pac-Man, Pokemon, the Sims, Sonic the Hedgehog, Super Mario Bros., Tetris and World of Warcraft。名单中的其它游戏包括:《FIFA足球》,《塞尔达传说》,《俄勒冈之旅》,《吃豆人》,《口袋妖怪》,《虚拟人生》,《音速刺猬索尼克》,《超级玛丽》,《俄罗斯方块》和《魔兽世界》。


  Only a handful will make up the hall of fame's inaugural class, to be chosen by an international selection committee of journalists, scholars and other video game experts。由记者、学者和游戏专家组成的国际评选委员会将选出少数几个游戏作为名人堂的第一批成员。

  To make it into the hall of fame, games must have icon status, prove to be more than a passing fad and leave a mark on other games or forms of entertainment, pop culture or society in general。能够入选名人堂的游戏必须有标志性的地位,证明自己不仅仅是一时的热门。还要为其它游戏和娱乐形式、流行文化和社会留下自己的烙印。

  The Strong said it received thousands of nominations since February, when it announced creation of the video game hall to recognize the impact of electronic games through the years. Anyone can nominate a game online。斯特朗电子游戏中心称,自从二月宣布要创办游戏名人堂来认可电子游戏多年来的影响,他们已经收到了数以千计的提名。任何人都可以在线为游戏提名。

  The Strong's electronic games center has more than 55,000 video games and related artifacts in its collection, along with personal papers and corporate records that document the history of video games. 斯特朗电子游戏中心收藏了55000款电子游戏及相关物品,此外还藏有记载游戏历史的个人文件和公司记录。


文章关键词: 双语电子游戏

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